Committee of the Whole - The City of Lakewood, Ohio
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents /

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole

Chair: Kepple
Members: All members of Council

Committee of the Whole addresses legislation referred to it by Council regarding topics of general interest to all councilmembers. These often include topics related to economic development such as the sale of City property, purchase of new property, re-zoning of parcels, and agreements between the City and private entities. Committee of the Whole makes recommendations to Council regarding vacancies on the City’s volunteer boards and commissions. In the case of a vacancy on City Council, Committee of the Whole will conduct interviews and facilitate the process to appoint a new member. From time to time, the Committee invites department directors to provide members with general updates on the City’s public works projects, economic development initiatives, pending legal cases, and more. Committee of the Whole may also hold joint meetings with citizen advisory boards and commissions or invite their representatives to provide reports. In 2023, Committee of the Whole lead the process to appropriate over $3 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds on projects to address community needs. In 2024, after a series of public hearings and deliberations, Committee of the Whole recommended approval of the Downtown Development project at the former Lakewood Hospital site.