Health & Human Services Committee - The City of Lakewood, Ohio
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents /

Health & Human Services Committee

Health & Human Services Committee

Chair: Marx
Members: Strebig, Steiner

The Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee considers legislation referred to the Committee regarding topics that aim to strengthen the health and wellbeing of the residents of Lakewood, with a special interest in improving outcomes for the community’s most vulnerable populations. Over the past few years, the Committee has played a supportive role in the development and implementation of the Lakewood Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and the corresponding Action Plan which were finalized in January 2023.  The assessment and the action plan are intended to promote a health-centered culture for all residents through an equity lens. In support of this work, the HHS Committee recommended that the Community Health Action Team (CHAT) be established as a permanent group to carry out the Action Plan. The HHS Committee Chair also serves as an advisor to CHAT.

The Committee has also supported the implementation of the ADA Transition Plan and worked to further increase the City’s score on the Human Right’s Campaign (HRC) Municipal Equality Index.

The committee meets on Monday evenings on an as-needed basis in the Auditorium at City Hall, with active participation from the City’s Human Services Director along with other members of the administration.