Housing, Planning & Development Committee - The City of Lakewood, Ohio
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents / aerialagents.com

Housing, Planning & Development Committee

Housing, Planning & Development Committee

Chair: Baker
Members: Bullock, Evans

The Housing, Planning, & Development Committee addresses legislation referred to the Committee related to the status and maintenance of the City’s unique housing stock and commercial corridors as well as other planning and zoning functions. In 2023 the Committee worked collaboratively with the Planning Commission to adopt Ordinance 7-2023, which amended the Zoning Code to permit the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) as a creative means to add to the City’s limited housing stock. The Committee is currently working in partnership with the Administration and community stakeholders to develop complete streets legislation. The goal of the complete streets approach is to ensure that any street receiving major investment incorporates safety improvements, and that those improvements are vetted through a public process.

The Committee also continues to monitor the City’s affordable housing strategy, the ongoing Zoning Refresh Project, and reviews referrals from Planning Commission on new housing, zoning, and commercial developments.

The committee meets on Monday evenings on an as-needed basis in the Auditorium at City Hall, with active participation from the City’s Director of Planning & Development along with other members of the administration.