Human Resources FAQs
Q: Do you have any current job openings?
A: All current job openings for external applicants are posted on our website. Additionally, we have copies of postings for internal and external positions on the bulletin board in the Human Resources Department. You may find the Application and a list of current job openings on our website at by clicking here.
Many of our job openings are for internal applicants only. If we determine that there is no internal applicant who is suited for the opening, the general public will have an opportunity to apply.
Q: Can I leave an application for future vacancies?
A: Certainly, we will add you to the candidate database and keep your application on file for one (1) year. In that time if the position you have identified on your application should become available, your application will be reviewed for inclusion in the applicant pool.
If you see an external posting for a position for which you would like to apply which was not included on your application, you may resubmit an application for the current opening. Also, if your situation changes significantly within the year your application is on file (completion of training or schooling, obtaining a special certificate or commercial drivers’ license), it is best to reapply.
Q: Do you have full-time positions and part-time positions?
A: The majority of our positions are full-time, but we often do have part-time or temporary, seasonal positions available also.
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