Planning Commission | The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Planning Commission


Applicants are highly encouraged to discuss their proposal with Planning & Development prior to applying for Commission review.  An initial discussion can help clarify what approvals are required and streamline the best path forward.  Direct all questions and/or requests to schedule a meeting with Planning & Development staff to or by calling 216-529-6630.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is composed of five members who are registered voters of the city. Three members of the commission are appointed by the Mayor and two members are appointed by the City Council.  All members serve a five-year term.

The City Charter and Zoning Code provides the Commission the authority to review:

  • Conditional Use Permits. Uses outlined by Schedule 1129.02; guided by §1173.02 and Chapter 1161.
  • Similar Use Determinations. When a proposed use is not listed or provided for in the Code but is substantially similar to a permitted or conditionally permitted use that is listed.  Guided by §1173.03.
  • Use Variances. When a proposed use is not permitted under the Code in the zoning district in which the property is located.  The Commission must find that the applicant has demonstrated that the literal enforcement of the Code will result in unnecessary hardship as outlined by 1173.04(d).
  • Lot Splits/Consolidations. When existing parcels are joined together (consolidation) and/or a portion of an existing parcel is separated from the remainder of the lot (split).   Can also be both (split and consolidation) when two existing parcels are reconfigured but still remain separate.  Guided by Chapter 1155.
  • Parking Plans. Required when parking proposals do not meet the space requirements contained in 1143.05.
  • Mixed Use Overlays. Guided by Chapter 1135.
  • Planned Developments. Guided by Chapter 1156.
  • Historic Preservation District (HPD) or Historic Property (HP) designations. Guided by Chapter 1134.

Submitting a proposal to Planning Commission for review, in three steps:

Step 1:  Know when the application deadline is and prepare all required materials for your proposal in advance, so the application is complete and submitted on time.

Know what is required.  In preparing your proposal, it is important to understand the specific items and materials required to be submitted with the application.  The requirements are outlined by the sections of code associated with each type of application (see list above) – but can also be clarified by discussing your proposal in advance with Planning & Development staff.

Know when it needs to be submitted.  As you prepare your proposal, click here to view the current meeting calendar and anticipate the best month to submit your application once you have all the required documents to support review.

Step 2:  Complete an application for review via the CitizenServe portal.

All applications are submitted via the online CitizenServe portal, which can be accessed here:  Planning Commission

Once in CitizenServe, click on the “apply to Planning Commission” link to begin the online application – ensuring all the required electronic files & materials are ready to attach before submitting.  If this is your first time using the portal, you’ll need to quickly register first.

Proposal Name and Address.  Once you are on the application – provide a brief description/name for the proposal and the property address.  Of note, property addresses within CitizenServe are those associated with the County parcel/property records.  Sometimes, in order to enter an address for a storefront or other location that has multiple addresses within a single building, the applicant will need to use the County property website to locate the primary address associated with their building’s parcel at:

Proposal type.  Once the address is entered, the applicant should then be able to select from a drop-down list the appropriate application type for their proposal (items are listed as they currently appear in CitizenServe):

  • Minor Sub-Division (discuss with Planning & Development first)
  • Lot Consolidation/Lot Split
  • Planned Development
  • Similar Use
  • Conditional Use
  • Historic Designation
  • Parking Plan Review
  • Outdoor Dining Renewal (only for those already with an initial outdoor dining/conditional use approval)
  • Communication (not for general use)
  • Use Variance

Required Supporting Materials and Application Fee.  To ensure your application is complete, please (1) upload all required elements for the proposal; and (2) pay the review fee before submitting the application.

Once your application has been submitted, you will receive email confirmation from CitizenServe.  City staff will then contact you with more information on the meeting dates/times and recommendations (if any) to help ensure your proposal is appropriately prepared for Commission review.

Step 3:  Attend meeting(s), present your proposal, and work with the Commission towards gaining approval.

The formal Commission meeting is held at 6:30pm on the first Thursday of each month in the City Hall Auditorium (12650 Detroit Ave, Lakewood OH).  Applicants must plan on attending this meeting in person for the proposal to be heard/discussed.

  • Additional Commission References+-

    • Click here to view Commission agendas.
    • Click here to view Commission minutes.
    • Click here to apply to serve on a Board/Commission