Snow Removal FAQs - The City of Lakewood, Ohio
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents /

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Snow Removal FAQs

How does the City decide what streets are plowed first?

In removing the snow and ice, the City responds first to all main roads, bridges, hills and secondary main roads which must be kept passable to provide a safe transportation network to the largest volume of people. Once these areas are in passable condition, crews head to clear the residential side streets.

Why does the plow not remove all the snow from my road?
On residential side streets, the plow blade has “guards” that keep the blade just a fraction above the roadway surface. This is done to prevent damage to vehicles and equipment and help limit the damage to the asphalt and concrete road surface and damage to other infrastructure such as manholes, catch basins or water valves.  Streets with low traffic volumes may remain snow covered longer. Salt is not very effective during heavy snow fall on side streets due to the low traffic volume needed to help activate the melting agents in road salt. Salt will be applied on side streets when the snowfall has slowed or stopped and when conditions exist that will make it effective or necessary. Salt applied on side streets with low vehicle traffic and during the course of active snow fall will get plowed out of the streets and unto tree lawns, thereby squandering the use of the costly resource and the time, labor and equipment spent and used to deliver it. Salt is always applied within approximately 100 feet of all side street intersections and on all hills when side streets are plowed.

Why do the snow plows push snow into my driveway apron and who is responsible for clearing it?
Unfortunately, it cannot be helped and we apologize for the inconvenience it causes you. The snow must be removed from the traveled portion of the road for public safety.  Snow left in driveway aprons by the city while snow plowing is the residents’ and owners’ responsibility to remove.

Why doesn’t the city clean my driveway apron?
There are approximately 15,000 driveway aprons in the City. The time and cost to clean all the driveway aprons is prohibitive. 

Can snow from my driveway be blown or plowed into the street?
Snow may not be pushed or blown into the street from private property, nor may it be pushed onto your neighbor’s property.  Please remind your snow plow service that they are not permitted to push snow onto the street or onto property that it did not fall upon.

Who is responsible for removing snow from the sidewalks?
According to City of Lakewood Ordinance 521.06, property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalks clear of debris as well as snow and ice within 24 hours of a snowfall.

Why doesn’t the city salt the side streets?
We do salt side streets on a limited basis as conditions warrant. Excessive road salt usage is costly, has a negative environmental effect and reduces the longevity of the road surface.  For more information see our Salt Reduction Strategy.

Parking During a Snow Storm

Residents must obey all parking signs and winter parking restrictions. To provide effective snow removal, the City may order that special parking restrictions be put in place. These restrictions will be announced through the media.

Further Questions:

Contact the City of Lakewood Streets and Forestry Department at (216) 529-6810.