Youth Council - The City of Lakewood, Ohio
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Youth Council

Youth Council

In 2019, the Youth Council was established (LCO 159) to provide City Council and the Mayor a youth perspective on issues that affect the City and to provide the opportunity for youth to be active and participate in city government. The Youth Council shall review those matters and make recommendations, as appropriate, referred by Council or the Mayor as they pertain to youth activities, interests and concerns.

The Youth Council shall be composed of fifteen Lakewood residents who, at the time of their appointment, are between the point of entering the eighth grade and entering their freshman year of college in the fall of the year of their appointment. The Mayor shall appoint the original fifteen members with confirmation of Council, and thereafter the Youth Council shall submit slates of members appointed by the Youth Council every two years for ratification by the Mayor with confirmation of Council. Members shall receive no compensation for their service.

Youth Council members shall be eligible to serve up to two consecutive two-year terms. Vacancies in terms shall be filled by action of the Youth Council without additional approval of the Mayor or Council.

The Youth Advisory Council shall meet at least on a quarterly basis and shall devise its own officers, governance, and place and time of assembly.

2025 Youth Council Calendar

Youth Council Agendas

Youth Council Minutes

Youth Council By-Laws