Biking Lakewood | The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Biking Lakewood

Why does Lakewood support biking?

Supporting biking means supporting many of the goals identified in our Community Vision .

  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Efficient and Sustainable Transportation
  • Resident Attraction and Retention
  • Public Health
  • Equity
  • Economic Development 

We have a significant bicycling population.

Lakewood has a significant bicycling population of both transportation and recreational riders. According to the 2008 American Community Survey (ACS), Lakewood ranks #1 in Ohio for resident bike commuters in cities with less than 100,000 residents.

We have a built environment that encourages bicycling.

Most of Lakewood is flat, densely-populated and was developed around streetcar lines, creating a compact layout that offers relatively short distances between schools, parks, residential areas and commercial centers. Most vehicle trips inside the City are less than five miles round trip and could be accomplished on a bicycle because of the city’s layout.

Building out our network, improving our policies, and supporting programming…

The new Active Transportation and Safety Action Plans intend to promote and support active transportation through a combination of infrastructure projects, policies, and programs.  Infrastructure recommendations refer to physical, built projects that will change how roadways are configured to provide space for all users.  Policy and program recommendations aim to re-prioritize walking and bicycling and to change the culture around active transportation and help increase its use through engagement, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation.





  • Active Transportation & Safety Action Plans (2022 – 2024)+-

    The product of a nearly 18-month process involving the administration, professional consultants, community stakeholders, and public input – these plans, adopted by Council on April 15th, 2024, are intended to inform and provide guidance towards bicycle, pedestrian, and safety improvements across infrastructure, policy, and programs.

    They can be accessed by clicking the below links:

    Active Transportation Plan (2024)

    Safety Action Plan (2024)

  • Safe Routes to School+-

    While infrastructure improvements often draw most of the attention, the City is also working in partnership with the Lakewood City Schools/PTA, Bike Lakewood, and local Bicycle establishments to revitalize and support Safe Routes to School programming.  In accordance with the 2024 Active Transportation Plan recommendations, we are focusing on supporting individual schools and their corresponding PTAs to develop, implement, and sustain bike/walk to school programs – including walking school buses and bike trains.  Intended to be refined and updated based on experience and lessons learned over the coming years, our current “working draft” guidebook can be accessed at the following link:

    Safe Routes Guide

  • Bike Racks for Business+-

    The city has quality bike racks available to install at your business.  If you are interested in having a bike rack installed in front of your Lakewood business, contact Dave Baas at or (216) 529-6637.

  • Bike Planning Documents and Meetings (2011 – 2019)+-

    2019 Bicycle Planning Update

    On May 17, an update on bicycle planning efforts was provided to attendees at Bike Lakewood’s annual social. The update presentation can be accessed by clicking on the image below.

    2018 Ride Here Presentation

    On March 21st a public meeting was held at Around the Corner to inform residents and collect feedback on bike infrastructure planning in the city. The presentation from the meeting can be found HERE.


    2011 Bicycle Masterplan

    The vision of the Bicycle Master Plan is to establish bicycling as a main means of transportation and accommodate current bicyclists’ needs through policies, programs & projects.  This plan was approved in 2012 by city council after several workshops in the community.  It can be found HERE.

  • Bike Advocacy-Bike Lakewood+-







    Bike Lakewood
    Bike Lakewood is a resident-led advocacy group for people who bike in Lakewood. Find out more here and on their website

  • Bike Licenses and Laws+-

    Bicycle Licenses

    Bicycle licenses, under Lakewood codified ordinance, are required for bicycles within the city.  They can be obtained at the front counter of the Police Station (12650 Detroit Ave) or at the Community Police Ward Offices.  There is no cost for the license.  The person obtaining the license is required to bring the bicycle to register and record the serial numbers. 

    Lakewood Bicycle Laws 101

    • Every person riding a bicycle upon a street shall follow all laws applicable to the driver of a vehicle.
    • Every person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall be granted all of the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian.
    • No person shall operate a bicycle on a sidewalk at a speed greater than an ordinary walk.
    • Cyclists yield the right of way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before passing.
    • Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane.
    • Every bicycle from sunset to sunrise shall be equipped with:
      • A white flashing or steady light mounted on the front of the bicycle.
      • A red flashing light and a red reflector on the rear of the bicycle.
      • Every bicycle shall be equipped with an adequate brake when used on a street.
    • Whenever any minor under the age of eighteen years operates a bicycle or motorized bicycle in violation, the bicycle may be seized by any member of the Police Department and impounded.
    • No person under the age of eighteen shall operate a bicycle within the City unless the person is wearing a protective helmet on their head, with the chin strap fastened under the chin.
  • Biking in the Snow+-

  • Lake Avenue - Bike Boxes+-

    Click here to view the Lake Avenue Construction page.

  • Hilliard Restriping+-

  • Sharrows+-