In case you couldn't find what you were looking for
Basement flooding: What to do next
Board of Building Standards (BBS)
Building Code: The Division of Housing and Building provides code enforcement and plan examination services. For a closer look at the city’s building and housing code, click here.
Carpet disposal: Large trash items that won’t fit in the refuse cart such as couches, chairs, tables, dressers, mattresses, bookcases, house doors, storm doors, storm windows (break the glass out; contain separately), carpet (taped or tied 4’ rolls), bicycles, basketball hoops (dismantled), televisions, extra bags and boxes, contained dirt, rocks, & sod, and bundled or contained construction debris emanating from work done by the resident or home owner. Cut lumber into 4’-lengths and tie securely into manageable bundles; hammer nails over for safety. Cut plywood into 4’x4’ sections and stack neatly. Contain loose debris in strong plastic bags (tie closed) or garbage cans (structurally sound, with sturdy handles and detached lids, not to exceed 32-gallon capacity.) Break plasterboard into pieces and contain as loose debris. A 50-pound weight limit applies to all bundles, bags, and garbage cans. Contractors are responsible for their own disposal.
The sale of personal and household goods and furnishings shall be permitted on residential properties in residential zones provided all of the following regulations are observed:
(a) Except as may be specifically permitted otherwise by the Director of Public Safety or his or her designee, no more than three such sales may be conducted at any one property in any one calendar year.
(b) No such sale may run for more than three consecutive calendar days.
(c) Hours of such sales shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 6:00 p.m.
(d) Five signs, not to be affixed to front porches or utility poles, and measuring less than five square feet, may be temporarily displayed on or near the property of the person conducting the sale one day prior to and during the operation of the sale. All signs must be removed within six hours of the sale.
(e) Except as may be specifically permitted otherwise by the Director of Public Safety or his or her designee in case of requests such as streetwide or citywide coordinated sales, or in cases where it would be impractical or impossible to have a yard sale in the rear yard or garage, sales must be conducted in the rear yard of the property, as defined in Section 1103.02, or in the garage.Gas line replacement, city of Lakewood final: Contact Dominion East Ohio.
Gazebo at Lakewood Park (rental)
Health 90 Day Assessment – 2018
Holiday Refuse and Recycling Collection Schedules
Homeowner’s tax abatement program
Home improvement and maintenance guide
Housing: Lakewood has a total of 32,000 housing units citywide including 12,700 one- or two-family homes. With research and a comprehensive housing survey, the continuing Housing Forward initiative has provided the city with more data on these 12,700 homes than ever before.
For more information about housing — or the building and housing department — as well as programs, initiatives and opportunities check out the Housing page.
Housing code: The Division of Housing and Building provides code enforcement and plan examination services. For a closer look at the city’s building and housing code, click here.
Human Services: From bed bugs to job assistance and eviction to food stamps
Lakewood Art Mural Program (LAMP)
Landlord Guide to renting to pet owners
Litter control, high grass, weeds: Refuse must be stored in cans with tight fitting lids and not placed on the tree lawn before 6:00 PM the evening prior to pick up. Property owners can be cited for insanitary conditions if refuse is not properly contained. (Refer to LCO, Chapter 17, Sanitary Code. Every property owner in the City is responsible for keeping their lawns mowed and free from weeds. Grass or weeds six inches or higher are in violation of Chapter 1775 of the Lakewood Codified Ordinances and are subject to citation. If the property owner, occupant or management does not remove high grass and weeds after receiving a citation, the City of Lakewood may remove them at a cost of $100/hour. If you would like to report a property with high grass and/or weeds, please use the Report Problem/Concern form.
Occupancy codes: Minimum 150 SF per dwelling unit + 100 SF for each additional occupant; Minimum 75 SF per bedroom + 50 SF for each additional occupant. Example 1: A 650 SF apartment with two 150 SF bedrooms could be inhabited by 4 occupants; Example 2: A 650 SF apartment with two 175 SF bedrooms could be inhabited by 6 occupants. For more information about habitable floor area standards, call the building and housing department at (216) 529-6270.
Parking for more than 24 hours: Parking is not permitted in excess of 24 hours anywhere on city streets.
Sewers, City Services and Property Owner Responsibilities
Sidewalk sale permit: In order to host a sidewalk sale, those interested must obtain permit first. Please find this application and return it to the city’s Building and Housing Department, along with proof of insurance.
Water/Wastewater Collection: For Water and Sewer Service Related Problems contact (216) 529-5941 from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. After businesses hours, weekends & holiday, please contact Lakewood Police Dispatch at (216) 521-6773. For questions about your water bill, contact contact (216) 529-6820 from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday.
Water/Wastewater Collection FAQs
Winterhurst Ice Rink: Winterhurst is a city-owned facility that is leased to and operated by Ice Land USA.
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