Fair Housing
The City of Lakewood is deeply committed to promoting non-discrimination; affirmatively furthering fair housing choice; enforcing local, state, and federal fair housing law; identifying and eliminating barriers to fair housing choice; disseminating information regarding fair housing rights and obligations; and ensuring residents and those seeking accommodations in Lakewood enjoy equal access to decent, safe, affordable housing.
The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of Race, Color, Religion, Gender, National Origin, Disability and Familial Status.
Chapter 516 of Lakewood’s Codified Ordinances expands the list of protected classes from (7) to (9) by prohibiting discrimination in housing on the basis of both Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression.
City of Lakewood
If you are a Lakewood resident and believe your fair housing rights have been violated, please complete Lakewood’s Fair Housing Complaint Information Form and contact:
Dan Wyman
Fair Housing Officer
Housing Research & Advocacy Center
The Housing Research & Advocacy Center also processes fair housing complaints on behalf of Lakewood residents.
Additional Fair Housing Complaint Resources
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
As a recipient of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Lakewood must affirmatively further fair housing choice. The city’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) is critical to meeting this obligation.
The AI process involves a thorough examination of a variety of sources related to housing, affirmatively furthering fair housing, the fair housing delivery system and housing transactions, particularly for persons who are protected under fair housing law. AI sources include census data, employment and income information, home mortgage application data, federal and state fair housing complaint information, surveys of housing industry experts and stakeholders, and related information found in the public domain.
An AI also includes an active and involved public input and review process via direct contact with stakeholders, public forums to collect input from citizens and interested parties, distribution of draft reports for citizen review and formal presentations of findings and actions the city will undertake to overcome the identified impediments.
Lakewood’s Fair Housing Action Plan sets forth specific actions the city will take to affirmatively further fair housing and address the impediments to fair housing choice identified in the Analysis of Impediments.
Lakewood’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) was established in 2016 as part of the city’s comprehensive Human Rights Ordinance which protects citizens from discrimination in the areas of housing, employment, education, and public accommodations. The HRC receives, initiates, investigates, conciliates, and adjudicated complaints alleging unlawful discrimination and partners with community stakeholders in the development of education and outreach programs regarding equal opportunity and fair housing choice. The commission is comprised of Lakewood’s Director of Planning & Development (or his or her designee); a mayoral appointee; and a City Council appointee and members may serve one three year term.
National Fair Housing Advocate Online
National Fair Housing Alliance
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