Parks Ambassador Program « The City of Lakewood, Ohio -
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents /

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Parks Ambassador Program

The Parks Ambassador Program launched in the spring 2023.  As part of this program, park ambassadors staffed city parks during the warm weather months.  These ambassadors are intended to add safety services outside of traditional uniformed officers to help to achieve a holistic approach to public safety.

“Ambassador programs with elements of safety work have been implemented across the U.S. by cities, neighborhoods, and community groups, including at least a half dozen locally in Cuyahoga County,” explained Mayor George. “The model uses trained personnel to provide a stable, friendly presence in our parks, interacting in a positive way with the public while also helping to identify and report potential safety issues before they arise or escalate.”  The ambassadorswear easily identifiable uniforms and ride bicycles to traverse the parks and provide a visible presence.

Neighborhood Safety Specialists patrol five Lakewood parks (Lakewood, Madison, Cove, Kauffman, Wagar) on foot and bike to provide a stable, friendly, presence. Part of their duties will involve being on the lookout for and serving as a deterrent to unwanted behavior and activity to identify and report potential issues before they arise or escalate.

Ambassadors are in our community parks on a seasonal basis and are active seven days a week from 1:30pm-10:00pm.