Do-Not-Knock Registry - The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Do-Not-Knock Registry

Note to Residents: The Do-Not-Knock Registry was created in 2011 by ordinance, and it permits residents of the city to exempt themselves from certain types of commercial door-to-door solicitation. By signing below, you represent that you are signing and have the authority to sign for all occupants of the dwelling unit or dwelling identified. Any information submitted may be subject to disclosure under public records law. This registry expires on December 31 and you must renew your registration each year if you wish for the Do-Not-Knock order to remain in effect.

Note to Solicitors: No solicitors or peddlers, unless invited, shall call at an addresses appearing on the Do-Not-Knock Registry or at any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City of Lakewood upon which there is posted at the entrance a notice which reads “No Peddlers or Solicitors Allowed” or words of similar import. For a copy of the current Do-Not-Knock Registry, please call the Division of Housing and Building at (216) 529-6270 or send an email here. Violating this order is punishable with license revocation and criminal action. (Ord. 04-11.)

  • Please add me to the Do-Not-Knock Registry:

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.