Stories about Northeast Ohio are often about our grit and glory—our economic challenges and our regional revival—but is this the narrative on your block? At your business? In your classroom? At your kitchen table? Studies have proven that where we live, work, and play shapes our identity and determines opportunity. On June 24th, from 4-6pm at the Kiwanis Pavilion in Lakewood Park, we invite community members to come together to have a conversation about why they make Lakewood their place. The answers to this question affect our health, our security, and our future.
Vince Frantz, founder of the strategic design and development firm Sprokets, and the executive director of the Public Square Group, a non-profit dedicated to supporting skateboarding, art, and civics, will be the moderator for the event.
We invite you to join Vince, who will kick off more intimate discussions with a variety of business owners, residents and nonprofit leaders from throughout the Lakewood community. Please join us to enjoy a meal, engage in conversation, meet new people, share your thoughts and hear about others’ ideas and viewpoints on what makes Lakewood their place, and why place matters. Together we will develop a deeper appreciation of this place we all call home.
After the conversations – feel free to sit back and relax at the Sunday Band Concert at Lakewood Park. Enjoy the sounds of the Hillcrest Concert Band at 7:00 p.m. (Bring your blanket or lawn chair and relax!)
NOTE: Lakewood Park is a community park enjoyed by many in the summertime. Parking can be challenging at times. You are encouraged to walk or ride a bike to the park to join the conversation if you are able. Thank you!