An Invitation from Mayor Mike Summers
One trend in our society that is a source of great concern is that the social safety net is under siege at the Federal and State level. Many Lakewood residents find themselves in temporary need of some of the most basic support – food and shelter. Therefore, it is also increasingly important that local communities such as Lakewood look within themselves to support our neighbors who find themselves in need of these basic social services.
We are most fortunate to have in our community a nonprofit agency, Lakewood Community Services Center. Its roots are founded in the spirit of charitable support from our faith-based community. It has evolved over its 35-year existence into a highly effective, lean and nimble independent agency.
What are the key services LCSC provides to the community?
- They are our food pantry, but did you imagine that they provide emergency food to over 7,000 Lakewood residents each year and to another 1,000 individuals from Rocky River and Westlake?
- Did you know they do monthly door-to-door deliveries to 400 seniors in subsidized senior housing in Lakewood and Rocky River?
- Or that in 2016 they prevented 330 individuals in 143 Lakewood households from becoming homeless?
- Or that their 30 day temporary shelter for homeless Lakewood families has been fully occupied for 5 years with all but one family exiting to affordable permanent housing in Lakewood?
- Additionally, in partnership with Murtis Taylor Human Services System, over 175 clients have been linked to mental health services on site at LCSC?
Please join me as I host an Open House at LCSC so you can hear more from me, the LCSC staff, and their partner organizations about what they do to stabilize our community and to offer support to the literally thousands who come to them for assistance every year.
Lakewood Community Services Center
14230 Madison Avenue
Thursday October 19th
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Tour the Facility. Meet the Staff, Board of Trustees and LCSC Partner Agencies.
Refreshments will be served
For more information about the Lakewood Community Services Center, visit https://www.lcsclakewood.org/ .