Department Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs+-
Q: When does Lakewood City Council meet?
A: At seven-thirty (7:30) p.m. on the first and third Monday of every month, or, if such Monday falls on a Holiday, on the Tuesday following. Only Special Council Meetings or committee meetings are held in the month of August. All regular City Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In addition, there are 7 standing committees of Council that meet at the discretion of the appointed chair.
Q: How long is a Council Member’s term? Are they full time? How much do they get paid?
A: Each council member serves a four-year term. They work part-time. In 2014, Council voted to increase their salary from $7,000 to $13,000. This will be the first increase in 32 years. This increase is phased in: Ward Council members (4) began receiving the new salary in 2016. At-Large council members (3) will begin receiving the new salary in 2018. Council members also have the option to receive full health care benefits through the city.
Q: What is the phone number to the Lakewood Board of Recreation?
A: The Lakewood Board of Recreation can be reached at (216) 529-4081. Their website address is
Q: How do I rent the Woman’s Club Pavilion or the Kiwanis Pavilion at Lakewood Park?
A: The City of Lakewood uses an online reservation system for pavilion rentals. Individuals interested in renting the Woman’s Club Pavilion, Kiwanis Pavilion or Gazebo can use the online system to check if a date is available and reserve the pavilion.
Click here for more information or to rent one of our facilities.
Q: Who do I tell about a street light that is out?
A: First Energy’s website is where all of the pertinent information may be entered. You will need a pole number (usually a 5 or 6 digit number on a tag on the pole), an address, or a very specific location. Sometimes it helps to mark the pole by tying a ribbon or string around the pole. Remember, they fix the lights in the daytime so the crews can’t always see which light is out. Typically reported outages are fixed within a few days.
Q: How do I report a power outage?
A: Call First Energy at 1-888-544-4877 to report a power outage. You should continue to call every 4 hours to make sure they know who is still without power.
Q: Who is NOPEC?
A: NOPEC is an aggregator that is able to negotiate better deals on energy and natural gas. Lakewood is a NOPEC community pursuant to the vote of the residents. More information may be found by click here. NOPEC’s contact information is: and phone is: 855-639-8159
Q: Is every Lakewood resident a member of NOPEC?
A: Every Lakewood resident was at one time a member of NOPEC, however, every resident has an opportunity at any time to “opt out” of NOPEC and use a provider of their choice. Right now, NOPEC has partnered with NextEra to provide low price electricity to Lakewood customers. First Energy still distributes the energy to your home and is who you would still report power outages.
Q: When will my street be resurfaced?
A: A major factor as to when you street will be resurfaced is the available funding, it is a collaborative decision with Public Works, Finance and City Council.
Pavement Condition Rating is a rating system that was developed using Ohio Department of Transportation’s standards for measuring roadway deterioration, and has been adopted by the City of Lakewood as the basis for ranking our streets. We then consider the condition of the roadway base, sub-base, and underground utilities (water mains, and sewers) to schedule any major repair.
Q: Who do I contact if I have a complaint about high grass?
A: Call the Department of Building and Housing at 529-6270 or click here to use our Report A Problem portal.
Q: I would like to schedule an appt. for immunizations, obtain copies of my immunization records, etc. How can I do this?
A: Contact the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) at (216) 201-2000. Nurses are in Lakewood once a month for clinics. To schedule an appointment, contact CCBH’s immunization line at 216-201-2041.
Q: Is there a snow parking ban?
A: Parking ban streets are shown and listed on the map by click here and a map showing locations of parking lots that are available during a snow can be found by click here,
Snow bans are in effect on these streets when there is 4″ or more of snow on the street without the necessity of any notice by the City.
If a city-wide snow parking ban is issued, the City will issue a notice to the media about the parking ban, it will be posted on the main page of the City’s website and it will be posted on the city’s Facebook and Twitter.
Aging FAQs+-
Division of Aging-(216) 521-1515
Q: Is this the county?
A: No. This is the City of Lakewood. All county related assistance including child support, food stamps, health insurance, job training, and emergency assistance can be found by calling Cuyahoga County Department of Jobs and Family Services at (216) 987-7000 or Cuyahoga County Department of Senior and Adult Services at (216) 420-6700.
Q: What does the Division of Aging do?
A: The primary goal of the City of Lakewood’s Division of Aging is to enable older residents to stay safely in their homes and community while sustaining a quality of life that is both meaningful and productive. Contact number is (216) 521-1515 or email
Q: Who do I call if I think a senior is being abused, neglected or exploited?
A: Please call for Cuyahoga County Department of Senior and Adult Services Adult Protective Services at (216) 420-6700.
Q: My mother can no longer function independently and is unable to care for herself. Who can I call?
A: Please call the Division of Aging Supportive Services at (216) 521-1515 or contact Cuyahoga County Department of Senior and Adult Services at (216) 420-6700.
Q: What is available for an older person who can no longer drive and has no formal support system for transportation?
A: Please call the Division of Aging at (216) 521-1515. The Division of Aging offers transportation for Lakewood seniors, 60 and over to medical appointments, senior centers, grocery shopping, special events and public benefits.
Q: I have to relocate and I don’t know where to begin. What housing information is available?
A: Please call the Division of Aging Supportive Services at(216) 521-1515. Division of Aging Supportive Services provide resources and information on affordable housing, subsidized housing, housing with assistance for seniors and other housing alternatives.
Q: Insurance and the Medicare changes are so confusing. Who can assist me with insurance and navigating the health care insurance system?
A: Please call the Division of Aging Supportive Services at (216) 521-1515. Division of Aging Supportive Services can provide links to resources for Medicare, Medicaid and HMOs. To schedule appointments for Ohio Benefits or Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP), which is located at the Senior Center, please call: (216) 521-1515.
Q: I have recently retired and would like something to do to keep busy. Who can I talk to?
A: Please call the Division of Aging at (216) 521-1515. The Division of Aging operates a Senior Center and meal site with various activities, programs, events and trips as well as volunteer opportunities. Additionally, the city’s website has a volunteer page listing many non-profit organizations which offer volunteer opportunities.
Animal Control FAQs+-
Q: What are the hours for the Animal Shelter and where is it located?
A: The Animal Shelter is located at 1299 Metropark Drive and is open as follows:
Monday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Closed on SundayIt’s always a good idea to call the shelter at (216) 529-5020 before stopping down just to make sure they are not out on an emergency call.
Q: When are the Animal Control Officers on duty?
A: An Animal Control Officer is on duty all seven days of the week during the following hours:
Monday – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Stray dogs found on the weekend can be taken to the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter 9500 Sweet Valley Drive, Valley View, OH 216-525-7877. They are open Saturday 10:30 am-4:00 pm and Sunday 12:00 pm-4:00 pm.
If there is an emergency situation after hours, please contact the non-emergency police number at (216) 521-6773.
Q: How much does it cost to adopt an animal from the Lakewood Animal Shelter?
A: The adoption fee for animals from the Lakewood Animal Shelter is:
The adoption fee for kittens and cats is $75.00.
The adoption fee for puppies and dogs is $100.00.The adoption fee includes the following services:
* Spay or neuter
* First vaccinations, de-worming, flea treatment
* Collar and ID tag
* One free medical exam with one of our area veterinary partners will be offered for new adopters who adopt from the Lakewood Animal Shelter. The services offered at Lakewood Animal Hospital consist of a free exam and one vaccine. The services offered at Detroit Dover Animal Hospital consist of a free exam and one vaccine. Guardians are responsible for post-adoption expenses related to medications, additional vaccines, diagnostics or treatments. An appointment for the free medical exam must be made within 30 days of adoption and proof of adoption from the Lakewood Animal Shelter is required.
Click here to view adoptable animals.
Q: I have an animal I can no longer keep in my possession. May I surrender it to the Lakewood Animal Shelter?
A: The Lakewood Animal Shelter is only equipped to take in stray animals found within the City of Lakewood. The shelter is small and does not have the space and capacity to house a large volume of animals.
Q: Where can I take my animal if I can no longer keep it?
A: If you find yourself unable to keep your pet, please understand that the Lakewood Animal Shelter does not accept owner surrendered animals. If you are unable to re-home your pet yourself, contact an animal welfare group to make proper arrangements to surrender your pet and to ensure your pet’s best chance of finding an adoptive home. A great resource is, where you will find a listing of local animal shelters, and other links for rescue groups.
Q: What can I do if I have an after-hours animal related emergency?
A: Some situations may not constitute an emergency. Contact the Lakewood Police Department at (216) 521-6773, and they can advise you what to do or they will contact an Animal Control Officer if necessary.
Q: Is the Lakewood Animal Shelter a no-kill shelter?
A: A no-kill shelter is defined as a shelter that guarantees that unadopted animals will not be euthanized. At the Lakewood Animal Shelter, all dogs not claimed or adopted are transferred to the Cuyahoga County Kennel. In rare circumstances of extreme illness or for public safety concerns, a dog or cat may be euthanized.
Click here to view adoptable animals.
Q: May I borrow a trap from the Animal Shelter?
A: The Lakewood Animal Shelter and the Animal Control Officers do lend traps for a $50 refundable fee. However, if you rent or buy a trap, the Animal Control Officers will pick the trapped animal up from you. You may call the Animal Shelter at (216) 529-5020 during regular business hours so an Animal Control Officer can advise you of the proper trapping protocol and answer any other questions.
Q: I would like to raise backyard chickens/hens. Is this allowed in Lakewood?
A: Yes. Lakewood has a Backyard Hen program. Section 505.18(e) of the Lakewood Codified Ordinances addresses the backyard hen program. There are a total of 50 Hen Permits available in Lakewood. Click here for an application and/or more information.
Q: Are there any dog breed restrictions in Lakewood?
A: Lakewood no longer has breed specific legislation. All dogs are welcome in Lakewood. With this legislation change came new, rigorous classifications for and restrictions on dogs based upon their behavior and bite history.
The new animal ordinance applies to “all dogs” and may be found in revised Chapter 505 and 506 by clicking here.
Q: Are retractable leashes allowed in Lakewood?
A: No. Part of the new ordinance was a heightened focus on safety, including an owner’s control of their dog. All dog leashes must now be no more than six (6) feet in length and may not be retractable. Failure to comply is a violation of Chapter 505.02 and is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree with a maximum penalty of $250.00 fine and up to 30 days in jail.
Q: Am I required to have liability insurance for my dog?
A: Yes, as of September 30, 2018 all dog owners or individuals harboring a dog must maintain at least $10,00.00 of liability insurance for injury or damage caused by their dog. Check with your insurance agent to determine what coverage you may have under your homeowner’s or tenant insurance coverage and what other coverage you might need.
Q: Do I need to carry my insurance policy or other proof of insurance with me?
A: No. If you are stopped for a violation of Chapter 505 or 506 due to the behavior of your dog or the failure to comply with the basic responsible pet owner requirements outlined in the ordinance. You will be requested to show proof of insurance or provide it within a reasonable amount of time.
Q: My dog is a service animal. Do I have to maintain liability insurance coverage?
A: Yes. All dogs living or being harbored in Lakewood must be insured.
Q: Is there a city board or commission associated with animals in Lakewood?
A: Yes, the city of Lakewood has an Animal Safety and Welfare Advisory Board. This advisory board currently meets on the third Wednesday of most months. Click here for more information, click here.
Q: Does my dog have to be licensed?
A: Yes. All dogs must have an annual dog license. The State of Ohio has required all Ohio counties to issue dog licenses for residents within that county. The Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer issues dog license for Lakewood residents. Dog licenses are issued annually between December 1 and January 31. More information and online dog license registration may be found by clicking here. Your dog’s license tag will also help identify your dog and the dog’s home address in the event your dog gets loose.
Q: Can I purchase my dog’s license tag in Lakewood?
A: Yes, there are 3 Lakewood locations on the County’s list which list may be found by clicking here.
Q: Does Lakewood have a dog park?
A: Yes. The Lakewood Dog Park is located in Lakewood, Ohio, just south of the Emerald Necklace Marina in the Rocky River Reservation of the Cleveland Metropark. It is adjacent to the City of Lakewood Waste Water Treatment Plant. More information, including park rules and hours, may be found by clicking here.
Q: Can I walk my dog in all Lakewood parks?
A: Yes. However, dogs are not allowed in picnic pavilions, athletic fields, tennis courts or playgrounds and must always be on a leash.
Q: What should I do if a dog bites my dog or me?
A: If you need immediate medical attention, call 9-1-1. If not, call the Lakewood Police Department at (216) 521-6773, and they will respond or contact an Animal Control Officer to respond.
Q: What should I do if see an animal being abused or neglected?
A: Call the Lakewood Police Department at (216) 521-6773 or Lakewood Animal Control at 216-529-5020.
Q: What should I do if I see a cat or dog “running at-large” in Lakewood without their owner or acting strangely like they are hurt or sick?
A: It is unsafe to approach any unknown animal. The animal might be frightened by your approach, protective or sick and may react aggressively. Contact the Lakewood Police at (216) 521-6773 and they will determine whether to send a Police Officer or contact an Animal Control Officer.
City Council FAQs+-
Q: When does Lakewood City Council meet?
A: At seven-thirty (7:30) p.m. on the first and third Monday of every month, or, if such Monday falls on a Holiday, on the Tuesday following. Typically, only Special Council Meetings or committee meetings are held in the month of August. All regular City Council meetings are held in Council Chambers at City Hall. In addition, there are seven (7) standing committees of Council that meet at the discretion of the appointed chair, usually on Monday nights.
Q: How long is a Councilmember’s term?
A: Councilmembers serve four-year terms on a staggered schedule. Every two years there is an election for either the at large positions or the ward positions.
Q: Do councilmembers serve full-time or part-time?
A: Councilmembers serve the City part-time. It is typical for councilmembers to maintain separate employment elsewhere, working in professional roles with non-profits, corporations, and as small business owners in the community.
Q: How much do Councilmembers get paid?
A: As of 2025, all Members of Council earned $13,000 annually. In 2024 the Civil Service Commission recommended changes to councilmembers’ salaries. Starting with their next term of service, councilmembers will earn $15,600 annually. This will be the first increase to Council salaries in 12 years. Councilmembers also have the option to receive health care benefits through the city. The 2024 Civil Service Commission report is available here.
Early Childhood FAQs+-
Division of Early Childhood – (216) 529-5018
Q: What does the Division of Early Childhood offer?
A: The Division of Early Childhood offers a wide variety of support, education and community building programs and services for those residents raising or caring for our young children birth through age five.
Q: I am looking for childcare, where do I go?
A: Please contact: Division of Early Childhood (216) 529-5018 or you can access the listing by clicking here or contact: Starting Point – www.startingpoint
Q: I have questions about staff/child ratios in childcare centers?
A: Please contact: Division of Early Childhood (216) 529-5018 or you can access the listing by clicking here or contact: Child Care Licensing (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services) (877) 302-2347.
Q: I am new to Lakewood and looking for things to do with my young family?
A: Please contact: Division of Early Childhood (216) 529-5018 or you can access the listing by clicking here or contact: Lakewood Early Childhood PTA-
Frequently Asked For Phone Numbers
- Cuyahoga County Childcare Assistance for Working Families (216) 987-6929.
- Starting Point Resource and Referral (216) 575-0061.
- Lakewood Community Service Center (216) 226-6466.
- Lakewood City Schools (216) 529-4000.
- Lakewood Recreation Department (216) 529-4081.
- Child Care Licensing (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services)
- (1-877) 302-2347.
- Any concerns related to child abuse/neglect, please report to (216) 696-KIDS (5437)
Finance Department FAQs+-
Q: What hours are the Finance Department open?
A: The office is open during regular City Hall hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
Q: Does the Finance Department handle property tax?
A: No, property tax is collected through the Cuyahoga County Treasurer’s office. The office is located in the Administration building at 2079 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115. The phone number is (216) 443-7010.
Q: How am I able to pay an invoice I have received from the Finance Department?
A: Payments may be paid in person at the Finance Department during regular office hours using cash, check, money order or debit/credit card. You may also make a payment with a debit/credit card over the phone by calling (216) 529-6095.
Q: What is the contact information for the Finance Department?
A: You may call (216) 529-6095 during regular office hours with any questions or concerns, or email
Q: How do I become a Vendor for the City of Lakewood?
A: To become a Vendor, fill out the City Vendor Registration by click here. Once the form is completed you may drop it off to the Finance Department at City Hall or scan and email it to
Q: If I register with the Building Department as a Contractor, am I considered a Vendor for the City?
A: No. It is a separate process to become a Vendor or a Contractor.
Q: Where do I find what projects the City currently has out for Bid?
A: Construction Projects: for a list of the current construction RFP’s click here.
All other Bid, RFP or RFQ Opportunities click here.
Q: How do I obtain bid results for a project?
A: Contact Purchasing Manager via email at
Q: Does the City auction vehicles or bicycles?
A: The city does not hold annual in-house auctions for vehicles, bicycles or equipment. The city utilizes for obsolete equipment, vehicles, and bicycle.
Q: Does the city sell old street signs?
A: The city does periodically sell its old street signs. Residents are notified through social media when signs are available and how to purchase them.
Fire Department FAQs+-
Q: My insurance company wants a copy of the Fire Investigation Report for a recent fire at my home. Who do I contact?
A: Call the Lakewood Fire Prevention Bureau at (216) 529-6660.
Q: Where should I put smoke detectors in my home?
A: The fire department recommends smoke detectors on every level of the home and in all rooms used for sleeping.
Q: How far is a hydrant from my home?
A: All properties in Lakewood are within 300 feet of a fire hydrant.
Q: Does the Lakewood Fire Department give out smoke detectors?
A: The City of Lakewood does not currently provide smoke detectors. The landlord is responsible for providing smoke detectors in all rental units and carbon monoxide detectors in all buildings with 5 or fewer units or apartments that have their own furnace.
Q: I was transported to the hospital by the Lakewood Fire Department and have a question about my bill. Who do I contact?
A: Call the billing agency, Lifeforce Management, toll free at (1-800) 770-4767. If the bill has gone to collections please call the City Finance Department at (216) 529-6097.
Q: Who can inspect my child’s car seat for proper installation and use?
A: The Fire Department hosts monthly child car seat checks at Fire Station #1, 14601 Madison Avenue. These free events are open to Lakewood families who are interested in having their car seats installed or checked for proper set up. Registration is required. Click here for more information.
Q: I need to renew (or get) my CPR/AED certification. Who do I contact for information on classes offered?
A: Call the Red Cross at (1-800) 733-2762 or go to: to register for a class.
Q: Where can I drop off my aluminum cans for recycling?
A: Each Lakewood Fire Station has an outdoor bin to collect for the Aluminum Cans for Burned Children Foundation, 365 days a year.
Q: I need an inspection for day care license, adoption or to become a foster care provider. Who do I call?
A: Call the Lakewood Fire Prevention Bureau at (216) 529-6660.
Q: What is the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating for Lakewood?
A: The ISO rating for the Lakewood Fire Department is Class Two (2).
Q: Do you have any information on how to be prepared in the case of an emergency?
A: Yes, the Lakewood Fire Department has created an Emergency Preparedness Guide which should answer all of your questions and keep you ready for an emergency. The guide may be found on the city website at the following link:
Forestry FAQs+-
When you replant trees that have been removed, are you replanting trees with native species?
We do replant with some native species.
As an aside, there is nothing about a tree lawn planting site that would mimic a native forest or native environment conditions, so we need to pick both native and non-native trees that can grow and thrive in a very tough environment that tree lawns present. Many native trees are not tolerant to urban site conditions and will not survive a tree lawn planting location. We do more native plantings in parks where the site conditions are more favorable to those native species that won’t survive on a Lakewood tree lawn.
Below are the large tree species we have been planting on Clifton the past few years.
Large Trees Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Sugar Maple “Green Mountain” Acer Saccharum “Green Mountain” Planetree – London “Bloodgood” Platanus x Acerfolia “Bloodgood” White Oak Quercus alba Red Oak Quercus rubra Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissima Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea Shingle Oak Quercus imbricaria Chinquapin Oak Quercus muehlenbergii Northern Catalpa Catalpa speciosa Sweetgum Liquidamber styraciflua “Accolade” Elm Ulmus “Accolade” American Elm “Valley Forge” Ulmus “Valley Forge” Autumn Gold Ginkgo (Male) Ginkgo Biloba “Autumn Gold” Any info on what insecticide is being used and the treatment schedule?
We do treat all of our remaining 164 ash trees once every three years (we do a certain number each year) for Emerald Ash Borer infestation with insecticide injections of Tree-age Emamectin Benzoate 4.0%. It is approximately 85% effective in killing or at least slowing the pest infestation. Some trees do not respond to the treatments and continue to decline and must then be removed.
There is no viable treatment option that would slow or mediate the types of decay fungi we have noted and been monitoring on the Clifton Blvd. oak trees.
Housing and Building Department FAQs+-
Q: What is the zoning of a particular property?
A: A city zoning map can be referenced by clicking here – OR- contact the City Planning & Development Department (216) 529-6631 or by email at:
Q: Can I operate a business out of my home?
A: Some limited home occupations are permitted with a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Lakewood Planning Commission. See Lakewood Codified Ordinance Chapter 1145 for specific information and restrictions. Please contact the Planning & Development Department at (216) 529-6631 or by e-mail at: if you have any questions.
Q: My neighbor’s tree is hanging over/damaging my property. What can I (you) do about it?
A: Full information about Trees in Lakewood may be found by clicking here. Generally, tree limbs hanging over onto your property may be trimmed up to the property line. Disputes about trees that are located directly on the property line are a civil matter between property owners. For more severe circumstances or questions please contact the Streets & Forestry Division by e-mail at:
Q: Can you recommend a contractor?
A: The city is prohibited from steering people to any specific contractors. However contractors are supposed to register annually with the city and have proof of insurance. The list of contractors who have registered with the city may be found by clicking here. It is still recommended that references be obtained from all contractors prior to agreeing to have any work performed.
Q: How do I register to do work in the City?
A: Registration is required every calendar year. Click here for Contractor Registration Packet including an application and instructions.
Q: What smoke detectors or carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are acceptable to the City?
A: Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors which are not wired directly to the building’s power supply must be operated in a plug-in outlet which is fitted with a plug-restraining device, provided the outlet is not controlled by any switch other than the main power supply. Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors with a digital read out are preferred. Single use, battery-powered carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are not acceptable.
Lakewood Code requires tamper resistant smoke detectors in all rental units. As for placement of detectors it is recommended to have one in the living room away from the kitchen, one in the hall between the bedrooms and one in each sleeping room. As for the type of detector many people believe in the photo electric, however it is recommend that you purchase the type of detector with a ten (10) year battery. Experience in Lakewood has been that most injuries and deaths occurred when the battery was removed from the detector and not replaced.
Q: Do I need a permit/inspection for the City sidewalk in front of my house repaired/replaced?
A: Any work that is located in the public right of way (city sidewalks, street aprons, tree lawns, in the street, etc) requires permits and inspections from the Building Department. Please call (216) 529-6272 with any questions.
Q: Why do I need a dye test before connecting to the City sewer(s)?
A: Because of the age and limited capacity of the city’s sanitary sewer system, the City of Lakewood by code requires the elimination of storm water from entering the sanitary sewer system. A dye test verifies that storm water is not being directed into that system. Click here for more information and FAQs about Dye Tests. This procedure is intended to incrementally detect and eliminate this primary cause of overflows of the sanitary system which pollute our waterways. It also is intended as a proactive approach to prevent a United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) finding against the City of Lakewood which would likely require the construction of massive water storage tunnels similar to the Mill Creek and Euclid Creek Interceptors that the North East Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) has been forced to build at a cost of several billion dollars paid for through higher sewer rates.
Q: Where can I report problems with mold, asbestos, lead etc.?
A: Mold: Areas where mold has grown should be thoroughly dried and cleaned. The moisture source must be eliminated in order to eliminate the occurrence or reoccurrence of the mold problem.
Asbestos: A permit is required for the containment, removal and disposal of asbestos. The City of Cleveland Department of Health Division of Air Quality is the enforcement agency on behalf the Ohio EPA. See the attached link:
Lead: All contractors are now required to have lead abatement training. For questions call Cuyahoga County Board of Health at (216) 201-2001 x 1262
Q: With last night’s storm, I got water in my basement. Where can I report it/get help?
A: You may report this problem to the City Water Department (216) 529-5941. A representative will evaluate the issue to determine the best course of action. To prevent such occurrences, it is recommended that as part of routine maintenance of your property that your storm and sanitary sewers be cleaned from the street to the building periodically. Click here for a list of registered contractors that do sewer work. In addition, dye tests can also uncover issues in your sewers and water lines. Click here for more information and FAQs about Dye Tests.
Q: How can I find Lakewood housing that accepts Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) tenants?
A: Visit the CMHA website by clicking here.
Q: How can I dispute my high real estate taxes?
A: Property values can be disputed through the Cuyahoga County Board of Revision at the attached link: Disputes or errors in tax bills should be directed to the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office at the attached link:
Q: How can I find out who owns the absentee landlord property next to me?
A: See the attached link for the Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Office: . You will only need the address of the property to search for the owner’s information.
Q: How can I obtain a vendor’s license?
A: Contact the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office at the following link:
Q: What is the number you should call before you dig to avoid hitting underground utility lines?
A: The “Before You Dig #” is “811”. You may also dial (1-800) 362-2764 or see the following link at:
Q: My neighbor has not cut his grass (or shoveled his walks). Who can help me?
A: You may use “Report a Problem” feature on the website by clicking here. You may also contact the Division of Housing and Building by e-mail at: or call (216) 529-6970.
Q: My water pressure is low. How do I report this?
A: Please contact the Division of Water and Wastewater Collection by phone at (216) 529-6820 or by e-mail at:
Q: My mother is elderly. Can someone with the City help with snow removal/grass cutting?
A: The Lakewood Department of Human Services does have a Snow Removal Program for seniors. Please contact the Division of Aging at (216) 521-1515 for more information. You can also refer to the following link for registered contractors that perform such services:
Q: My landlord is not responding to my complaints? What can I do?
A: Disputes over lease obligations are civil matters strictly between tenants and landlords. Contact the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland’s Tenant Information Line at (216) 861-5955 or go to: for additional information.
Q: How can I put my rent in escrow until my landlord fulfills his obligations?
A: Chapter 5321 of the Ohio Revised Code specifies the procedure to place money into escrow. See the following link: The Cleveland Tenants Organization may be able to assist you, also. See the attached link: The Lakewood Municipal Court may also provide assistance. Call (216) 529-6700 or an application for Rent Escrow may be found at the following link:
Q: Do you have to be registered to go door-to-door in Lakewood selling goods or services?
A: Yes an individual needs to register with the Building Department in accordance with Lakewood Codified Ordinance Chapter 741 – Peddlers, Vendors and Solicitors. The permit is issued to the individual NOT the organization. Each individual from an organization that will be knocking on doors must register as there is a criminal background check done before a permit is issued. NOTE: Non-profits (e.g. Girl Scouts, school programs) and Canvassers (e.g. politicians) are exempt from the need to obtain a permit
Q: What do I do if a solicitor that comes to my door is aggressive in their sales to the point it is inappropriate and intimidating or is asking for my personal information or copies of my utility bills?
A: First of all, if you are concerned for your safety, you should never hesitate telling the individual to leave and that you are calling the police. Second, you should always ask for identification from the individual first. Write their name down and the organization they are representing. Do not give them any personal information or copies of any of your invoices or bills. Ask them to provide you with information on their organization so that you can check it out and follow up with them if you are interested. Third, if the caller is from a utility company (i.e. gas or electric) and you have a complaint about the interaction please call the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), the oversight organization for organizations providing utility services in Ohio to report your complaint:
PUCO – Customer Complaints – (1-800) 686-7826.
Q: Is there a way I can prevent solicitors from knocking on my door?
A: Yes, the City of Lakewood has a “Do Not Knock Registry”. You may sign up for the “Do Not Knock Registry” by clicking here. You must renew your registration each year. If you receive solicitors and you have signed up for the Do Not Knock Registry you may report it to the Law Department at: and be sure to include your Name, Address, Name of the Individual that came to the door and the name of the organization they represented. If however the solicitor was representing a utility company, report it to the PUCO at: (1-800) 686-7826.
Human Resources FAQs+-
Q: Do you have any current job openings?
A: All current job openings for external applicants are posted on our website. Additionally, we have copies of postings for internal and external positions on the bulletin board in the Human Resources Department. You may find the Application and a list of current job openings on our website at by clicking here.
Many of our job openings are for internal applicants only. If we determine that there is no internal applicant who is suited for the opening, the general public will have an opportunity to apply.
Q: Can I leave an application for future vacancies?
A: Certainly, we will add you to the candidate database and keep your application on file for one (1) year. In that time if the position you have identified on your application should become available, your application will be reviewed for inclusion in the applicant pool.
If you see an external posting for a position for which you would like to apply which was not included on your application, you may resubmit an application for the current opening. Also, if your situation changes significantly within the year your application is on file (completion of training or schooling, obtaining a special certificate or commercial drivers’ license), it is best to reapply.
Q: Do you have full-time positions and part-time positions?
A: The majority of our positions are full-time, but we often do have part-time or temporary, seasonal positions available also.
Human Services FAQs+-
Department of Human Services-216-529-6685
Q: What is Cove Community Center?
A: Cove Community Center is the home for the Department of Human Services for the City of Lakewood. CCC opened in April of 2022 after renovation of the former Cove United Methodist Church. After Extensive Renovation the 3 current divisions in the Department of Human Services Division of Aging, Division of Youth, and Division of Early Childhood all can serve the residents under 1 roof. Cove Community Center is truly an intergenerational hub of services for the residents of our community and beyond.
Q: What does the Department of Human Services do?
A: The Department of Human Services located in the Cove Community Center is committed to improving the quality of life and promoting the well-being of all Lakewood residents. Human Services delivers effective and innovative programs through Early Childhood, Youth and Senior Services to identify the multifaceted and complex needs individuals and families may encounter and link them to community resources.
Q: How do I rent space at Cove?
A: Thank you for your interest in renting space at Cove Community Center. Reservations can be made by visiting Feel free to email or call us with any questions—216-529-5061.
Q: Is this the county?
A: No. This is the City of Lakewood. All county related assistance including child support, food stamps, health insurance, job training, and emergency assistance, can be found by calling Cuyahoga County Department of Jobs and Family Services at (216) 987-7000 or visiting
Q: I live in Lakewood and am being evicted, who can assist me?
A: Please call Lakewood Community Services Center at (216) 226-6466 or visit
Q: I need help paying my utilities, who can assist me?
A: Please call Lakewood Community Services Center at (216) 226-6466 or visit
Q: Where can I go for food and food stamps?
A: Please call Lakewood Community Services Center at (216) 226-6466 or visit They have a food pantry, food assistance, and calendar for community meals. To see the most current Community Meal Calendar, click here.
For food assistance and or food stamps please contact Cuyahoga County Department of Jobs and Family Services at (216) 987-7000.
Q: I have items I would like to donate, who can accept these donations?
A: The Department of Human Services relies on monetary donations to support programs and services provided to the Lakewood community and welcome monetary donations at any time through the Lakewood Foundation. To donate other items, please contact United Way’s 211 First Call for Help by calling 211.
Q: I don’t have a doctor and I need assistance with paying my prescriptions, who can I call?
A: Please contact Neighborhood Family Practice (A Federally Qualified Health Center) at (216) 281-0872. They have a Health Center in Lakewood Called North Coast Community Health Center located at 11906 Madison Ave.
For additional information on prescription assistance please contact United Way’s 211 First Call for Help by calling 211.
Q: I am a veteran needing assistance, can city help me?
A: For veteran’s services and benefits, contact the Cuyahoga County Veteran’s Services Commission at (216) 698-2600.
Q: I am unemployed, where can I find a job?
A: Contact Cuyahoga County Department of Jobs and Family Services at (216) 987-7000.
Q: I am a homeowner and need assistance with home repairs and/or yard work?
A: Call Lakewood Alive at (216) 521-0655.
Q: I think I may have bedbugs, what do I do?
A: Call Lakewood Alive at (216) 521-0655.
Q: I am having financial difficulty, can anyone help me?
A: If you are a caregiver you are invited to attend one of our financial literacy classes at Cove Community Center
Or Call ESOP (Financial Wellness and Housing Stability) at 216-791-8000
Q: Is this the social security office?
A: No. Please call the Lakewood Social Security Office at (1-800) 772-1213
For Additional Resources:
- Questions related to utility assistance, job assistance, mental health, evictions, food, shelter, basic needs: Call Lakewood Community Services Center at (216) 226-6466.
- Questions related to benefits including food stamps, child support, social security, health insurance, etc: Call Cuyahoga County Department of Jobs and Family Services at (216) 987-7000.
- Questions related to housing maintenance, labor/contractor services, yard care, guidance on housing compliance: Call Lakewood Alive at (216) 521-0655.
Mayor’s Office FAQs+-
Q: What is the phone number to the Lakewood Board of Recreation?
A: The Lakewood Board of Recreation can be reached at (216) 529-4081. Their website address is The Lakewood city pools are operated by the Lakewood Board of Recreation. All aquatic programming and facility questions should be directed to the Lakewood Board of Recreation.
Q: How do I rent the Woman’s Club Pavilion or the Kiwanis Pavilion at Lakewood Park?
A: As of January 2018, the city went to an online pavilion rental system. Click here to rent a pavilion. This website hosts a calendar so you can check the availability of the pavilions, photos of the pavilions and regulations about the rental including cancellation and deposit return procedures. All rental fees must be paid up front by credit card.
Q: Who do I tell about a street light that is out?
A: First Energy’s website ( is where all of the pertinent information may be entered. You will need a pole number (usually a five (5) or six (6) digit number on a tag on the pole), an address, or a very specific location. Sometimes it helps to mark the pole by tying a ribbon or string around the pole. Remember, they fix the lights in the daytime so the crews can’t always see which light is out. Typically reported outages are fixed within a few days.
Q: How do I report a power outage?
A: Call First Energy at (1-888) 544-4877 to report a power outage. You should continue to call every four (4) hours to make sure they know who is still without power.
Q: Who is NOPEC?
A: NOPEC is an aggregator that is able to negotiate better deals on energy and natural gas. Lakewood is a NOPEC community pursuant to the vote of the residents. More information may be found by clicking here. NOPEC’s can be contacted by visiting or by phone at 855-639-8159.
Q: Is every Lakewood resident a member of NOPEC?
A: Every Lakewood resident was at one time a member of NOPEC, however, every resident has an opportunity at any time to “opt out” of NOPEC and use a provider of their choice. Right now, NOPEC has partnered with NextEra to provide low price electricity to Lakewood customers. First Energy still distributes the energy to your home and is who you would still report power outages.
Q: When will my street be resurfaced?
A: A major factor as to when you street will be resurfaced is the available funding, it is a collaborative decision with Public Works, Finance and City Council. Pavement Condition Rating is a rating system that was developed using Ohio Department of Transportation’s standards for measuring roadway deterioration, and has been adopted by the City of Lakewood as the basis for ranking our streets. We then consider the condition of the roadway base, sub-base, and underground utilities (water mains, and sewers) to schedule any major repair.
Q: Who do I contact if I have a complaint about high grass?
A: Call the Department of Building and Housing at 529-6270 or go to ‘Report a Problem on the city website at the following link:
Q: I would like to schedule an appointment for immunizations, obtain copies of my immunization records, etc. How can I do this?
A: Contact the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) at (216) 201-2000. Nurses are in Lakewood once a month for clinics. To schedule an appointment, contact CCBH’s immunization line at 216-201-2041.
Q: Is there a snow parking ban?
A: Parking ban streets are shown and listed on the map by click here and a map showing locations of parking lots that are available during a snow can be found by clicking here.
Snow bans are in effect on these streets when there is four (4″) inches or more of snow on the street without the necessity of any notice by the City.
If a city-wide snow parking ban is issued, the City will issue a notice to the media about the parking ban, it will be posted on the main page of the City’s website and it will be posted on the city’s Facebook and Twitter.
Parks/Public Property FAQs+-
Q: How do I rent the Woman’s Club Pavilion or the Kiwanis Pavilion at Lakewood Park?
The city uses an online pavilion rental system. To rent a pavilion, click here.
This website hosts a calendar so you can check the availability of the pavilions, photos of the pavilions and regulations about the rental including cancellation and deposit return procedures. All rental fees must be paid up front by credit card.
Q: How do I find out if my baseball game is rained out?
A: Call the Lakewood Recreation Department’s rainout number at (216) 529-4117
Q: What are the pool hours at Lakewood High School (LHS)?
A: Call the LHS pool at (216) 529-4014 or check their website by clicking here.
Q: How do I get a pool pass for municipal pools at Lakewood and Madison parks?
A: Call the Lakewood Recreation Department at (216) 529-4081 or check their website by clicking here.
Q: Can I bring a grill or tent to the park?
A: Grills: charcoal grills and gas grills (with a maximum number one (#1) propane tank) are allowed in the parks. However, NO GRILLS are allowed inside a pavilion, under a roof or canopy or on a deck or pavement in the park.
Tents: maximum size ten in the park is a ten foot by ten foot (10’x10’) pop-up or canopy with no sides. No enclosed tents are allowed. TENTS MY NOT BE STAKED to the ground. Only external weights can be used to secure them in place.
Q: Are there posted rules for use of the city parks?
A: Lakewood Codified Ordinance Chapter 905 sets forth park rules. Further explanation and listing of park rules and regulations, click here.
Q: Does the city have a memorial donation program where can I donate to have a tree or bench placed on public property in memory of someone?
A: The city does not currently have a program which allows individuals to donate a tree, bench, etc. in honor of someone in our parks or on any public property. There was a park memorial program from 2009 until about 2012, but the volume of requests received made this unsustainable. The City was unable to accommodate many of them, and it created great challenges, so the program was discontinued.
Police Department FAQs+-
Q: How can I get a copy of a police report?
A: You can request a police report in a number of ways:
- You may email the Police Records Room at
- You can mail your request to the Police Department at 12650 Detroit Avenue.
- You can fax your request to (216) 521-7727.
- You can call the Police Record Room at (216) 529-6785.
- You can come to the Police Department front counter from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday.
Q: How long does it take for a police report to be ready?
A: Generally, it takes three (3) days from the date the information about the incident was received by the reporting officer.
Q: What do I need to do if my vehicle is towed?
A: Before the vehicle will be released by the towing company, the person requesting release of a towed vehicle MUST come to the front counter of the Lakewood Police Department with the vehicle title and/or registration in order to obtain a release form to present to the towing company.
Q: Where is my car impounded?
A: Kufner Towing, 3775 Ridge Road in Cleveland, phone number is (216) 529-3320.
Q: What are the jail visiting hours?
A: Tuesday and Saturday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Thursday from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Clergy and Attorney may visit at any time.
Q: If someone is in your jail, what can I bring them?
A: Books, magazines, and underwear. Prisoners do not need money and any other items are provided.
Q: When do I have to pay the parking meters?
A: Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Q: Do I have to pay the parking meters on a holiday?
A: Metered parking is free on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, MLK Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth (4th) of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Q: What are the restrictions on 24 hour parking?
A: Under Lakewood Codified Ordinance 351.18, cars cannot remain parked in a disabled condition or without using the vehicle in a normal manner, in excess of 24 hours.
Q: How do I get a permit to park in a municipal parking lot?
A: Call the Administrative Assistant in the Police Department at (216) 529-6750
Q: What will happen to my car that is in violation of 24 hours parking?
A: An officer will start a check on the car upon the complaint. In 24 hours, the officer will return to the car and if it has not been moved the officer will issue a citation and a notice about being towed. The officer will attempt to notify the listed owner. 24 hours after the citation has been issued, the vehicle will be towed and removed from the street.
Q: Can my group get a tour of the Police Station?
A: Tours are available by appointment. Please contact Lt. Minteer at (216) 529-6781 or to set up an appointment:
Q: What can I do about a car parked on my street that hasn’t been moved in a while?
A: Call the non-emergency number, (216) 521-6773 and tell the dispatcher the location, description, and license plate number. A patrol car will be dispatched, the officer will start a check on the car and after 24 hours may issue the vehicle a citation. The officer will try to notify the owner and after 24 hours after the citation is issued, the vehicle can be towed.
Q: If I call the Lakewood Police do I have to leave my name and phone number?
A: No, any caller can remain anonymous but providing the information may be beneficial to the officers for further follow up. Any information that is left does become a public record.
Q: What can I do about speeders on my street?
A: Contact your neighborhood officer or the non-emergency number at (216) 521-6773. The police will determine if it is appropriate to assign a police car to run radar on the street for a number of days.
Q: Do I need to register my bike and how much does it cost?
A: The Lakewood Codified Ordinances require every bicycle to have Lakewood license affixed to it. The licenses are free and can be obtained from your Neighborhood Police Officer or the front counter of the police station.
Q: When is the Detective Bureau open?
A: The Detective Bureau is open Monday-Friday from 6:45 AM to 10:45 PM.
Q: How can I learn which detective is assigned to my case?
A: You can contact the Detective Bureau Sergeant at (216) 529-6763 or (216) 529-6761. If you do not know the report number assigned to your case, we should be able to determine the detective by your name, location or date.
Q: Is a Detective assigned to every report?
A: No, detectives are assigned for follow up based on solvability factors. When those factors are not present, active follow up is not pursued. Should some leads become available after the fact, the case can be reassigned to a detective.
Q: If I am a victim of a crime do I need an attorney?
A: No, the Lakewood or County Prosecutor represents the victim of the crime in the criminal prosecution of the case.
Q: How can I obtain a protection order?
A: There are two types of protection orders: A Temporary Protection Order (TPO) and a Civil Protection Order (CPO).
A TPO is obtained through the Lakewood Municipal Court after filing of a criminal complaint, usually alleging Domestic Violence. The TPO can also come from Common Pleas Court when the underlying offense is a felony. Domestic Violence victims can request a TPO.
A CPO is obtained through Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court and does not require filing of criminal charges. Generally, the CPO arises from civil domestic situations when abuse is alleged.
Violations of either a TPO or CPO can be enforced by arrest.
Q: How do I make a complaint about or commend an officer or employee?
A: Calls can be made to the Chief’s office at (216) 529-6750, or the Officer in Charge at (216) 529-6790. Complaints can also be made in person at the front counter of the department. The Officer in Charge will record the information about the complaint on a departmental form and it will be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Officer. An investigation will be commenced regarding the complaint and the person making the complaint will be contacted at the conclusion with the results.
Q: How do I hire an Off Duty Police Officer?
A: Call the Officer in Charge at (216) 529-6790. The OIC will take your information and post the information about the job. If an officer is interested they will contact you directly and discuss the duties, times, and pay for the job. The Lakewood Police Department will not approve off duty employment for full time liquor establishments in Lakewood.
Q: Who is my Neighborhood Police Officer?
Ward 1
Officer John Schmitz
1388 Warren Rd.
(216) 502-1304
jonathan.schmitz@lakewoodoh.govWard 2
Officer Kristen Chengery
1388 Warren Road
(216) 501-3038
kristen.chengery@lakewoodoh.govWard 3
Officer William McCarthy
12525 Lake Ave.
(216) 334-5657
william.mccarthy@lakewoodoh.govWard 4
Officer Melissa Mazor
12400 Madison Ave.
(216) 533-3716
melissa.mazor@lakewoodoh.govQ: What is the curfew for juveniles?
No minor shall be in any public place within the City except for attendance at school during regular school hours on any school day unless:
- The minor has written proof from school authorities that he or she is excused from school attendance at that particular time or
- The minor is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian or a responsible adult selected by the parent or legal guardian to supervise the child or
- The minor is participating in a bona fide approved study/work program during the hours of such study/work assignment or
- The minor is on an emergency errand or conducting some other legitimate business
- No child under the age of 15 will be permitted on the city streets, sidewalks, or public property between the hours of 9:30 PM and 6:00 AM.
- No child of the age of 15 will be permitted on the city streets, sidewalks, or public property between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM.
- No child 16 and 17 years old will be permitted on the city streets, sidewalks, or public property between the hours of 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM
Q: I need to be fingerprinted for a license. How can I obtain this?
A: Fingerprinting is not a service offered by the Lakewood Police Department. There are private businesses in the community that do provide fingerprinting. The following link is provided by the Ohio Attorney General for fingerprinting locations:
Public Works FAQs+-
Q: When will my street be resurfaced?
A: A major factor as to when you street will be resurfaced is the available funding, always a difficult and complicated process for the City of Lakewood’s Administration and Council deciding how much to allocate to street reconstruction.
A priority list is created using a ‘Pavement Condition Rating’. This rating system was developed using Ohio Department of Transportation’s standards for measuring roadway deterioration, and has been adopted by the City of Lakewood as the basis for ranking our streets. We then consider the condition of the roadway base, sub-base, and underground utilities (water mains, and sewers) to schedule any major repair.
Click here for more information about street construction updates.
Q: Who do I tell about a street light that is out?
A: All of the pertinent information can be entered on First Energy’s website. You will need a pole number (usually a five (5) or six (6) digit number on a tag on the pole), an address, or a very specific location. Sometimes it helps to mark the pole by tying a ribbon or string around the pole. Remember, they fix the lights in the daytime so the crews can’t always see which light is out. Typical outages are fixed within a few days.
Information is available on the First Energy website.
Q: How do I report a power outage?
A: Call First Energy at (1-888) 544-4877 to report a power outage. You should continue to call every four (4) hours to make sure they know who is still without power.
Q: Who do I call to see if my water bill is paid?
A: Call Utility Billing at (216) 529-6820
Q: Is there a snow parking ban?
A: Parking ban streets are shown and listed on the map on the City’s website: and a map showing locations of parking lots that are available during a snow are shown at:
Snow bans are in effect on these streets when there is four (4”) inches or more of snow on the streets without the necessity of any notice by the City.
If a city-wide snow parking ban is issued, the City will issue a notice to the media about the parking ban, it will be posted on the main page of the City’s website and it will be posted on the city’s Facebook and X accounts.
Q: Who do I call regarding noisy or missing manhole covers?
A: Call the Division of Water/Waste Water Collection at (216) 529-6866.
Refuse & Recycling FAQs+-
Q: Where is the City’s Refuse & Recycling location and how do I contact them?
A: Division Refuse & Recycling, 12920 Berea Rd., Cleveland, OH 44111, (216) 252-4322. Open: Monday – Friday – 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM and Saturday – 8:00 AM – Noon PM
Q: What if I miss my collection?
A: Save it for the next collection day or bring it to the Drop-Off Facility on Berea Road. If the City receives a complaint and has to collect improperly placed refuse or debris from a tree lawn, the property owner may be charged a minimum $100.00 collection fee.
Q: What doesn’t the City collect from the curb?
A: For disposal information call (216) 252-4322.
- Materials or debris left by contractors. Contractors are responsible for their own disposal.
- Improperly contained or bundled materials.
- Recyclables or yard waste set out in garbage cans or recycle bins.
- Household Hazardous Waste, Tires, Motor Oil, Liquids, Paint, Solvents, Fluorescent tubes or CFL bulbs, Computers and computer equipment.
Q: What should I do when it snows?
A: Keep trash carts and recycling unburied from snow banks, clear of ice, and accessible to collectors. Place carts in a cleared driveway apron or shovel a level shelf into the snow bank, no higher than six (6”) inches from the ground for stability and safe lifting. Or set the cart out the following week once the weather improves.
Q: How should I dispose of hypodermic needles, syringes, and other “sharps”?
A: Contain hypodermic needles and syringes in a purchased “Sharps” container or a rigid, leak-proof, puncture-resistant container with a tight fitting lid, i.e. detergent or bleach bottle, two (2) liter pop or juice bottle, or coffee can (with lid taped closed.) Mark container “SHARPS” and place inside the refuse cart or bring to the Division Drop-off Facility for disposal. Do not place loose sharps in the garbage.
Q: Can I mark my City-provided refuse cart with my address?
A: Discrete and removable decals may be placed on the cart to identify the address or unit number. Spray painting numbers on the carts is not allowed.
Q: What shouldn’t I put in the refuse cart?
A: Recyclables, yard waste, dirt, stone, concrete, or building materials. Also, things we do not collect from the curb such as household hazardous waste, oil based paint, chemicals, pesticides, motor oil, liquids, tires, dead animals, and hot ashes.
Q: What if my cart is damaged or stolen?
A: The carts are registered by serial number to a specific address and come with a ten (10) year manufacturer’s warranty against defects. The homeowner/resident is responsible for each cart. Contact the Refuse Department immediately at (216) 252-4322 for replacement details.
Q: How should I dispose of my unwanted medicine?
A: Cuyahoga County has a Rx Drug Drop Box Program. Details about this program can be found at: The City of Lakewood has a drop-box located in the Lakewood Police Department lobby at 12650 Detroit Avenue.
- Unwanted medicine is any prescribed or over-the-counter medication that is expired or no longer needed for medical treatment.
- Never flush unwanted medicine. Previously, people were instructed to flush unwanted medicine down the drain. This is no longer advised because we now know that flushing medicine can harm the environment. Wastewater treatment plants and septic systems cannot remove pharmaceutical compounds from the waste water so these chemicals pass through treatment plants or septic systems into Lake Erie, the source of our drinking water. These pharmaceutical compounds also pose a risk to aquatic organisms.
- Dispose with your household trash. Unwanted medicine should be disposed with your household trash after taking the following precautions. These precautions will ensure the safety of children and animals and prevent misuse of the medicine:
- Keep the medicine in its original container. You may want to remove the label or conceal patient information or drug information with a marker.
- Before placing in the trash, make the medicine unusable by mixing in some coffee grounds or dissolving the pills with water and sealing the original container with tape. Liquid medicine should be placed in a sealed plastic bag.
- Place the container in durable packaging that masks the contents, such as a brown cardboard box.
- Place the medicine on your trash as close to your garbage pick-up day as possible.
- Wait for a free collection event. Some local organizations hold free collection events for unwanted medicines. To locate an event near you, visit or
Q: How should I dispose of paint?
- Drop-off Oil Based Paint off at the Division of Refuse and Recycling Drop-off Facility at 12920 Berea Road. Oil based paint is Household Hazardous Waste.
- Dry out latex paint. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste and is comprised mostly of water, so must be dried out and disposed as trash.
- To solidify latex paint: Allow the paint to dry by removing the lid and allowing liquids to evaporate over several days. This works well for small amounts (an inch or two in the bottom of the can). Mix liquid paints with an equal amount of an absorbent material in the paint can or in a cardboard box lined with plastic. Leave open to the air to dry. Use cat litter, Fullers Earth, vermiculite or similar drying agent. Allow the paint to dry one layer at a time until all paint has hardened. When thoroughly dry, place the open paint can or box on the curb the night before your regular collection day or bring to the Drop-Off Facility. Leave the lids off so the waste collector can see the paint is hardened.
- DO NOT dump paint on the ground or down storm drains where it will travel directly to surface and/or ground waters.
- DO NOT pour it down the drain. While small amounts of latex paint can safely be washed down the drain, this practice should be kept to a minimum. Limit this to brush cleaning and clean-up.
- DO NOT dispose of liquids in the trash. It may be released from the can when trash is compacted and may seep out of a waste collection vehicle onto your street.
Q: I live on the parking side of the street. Where should I put my refuse cart?
A: Place refuse carts (serial number and lid opening facing the street) next to the street in the driveway apron, or at the corner of the driveway apron and tree lawn, where vehicles cannot legally park.
- Cars cannot legally park closer than three (3’) foot from the edge of the driveway apron.
Q: How do I find out how to dispose of or recycle all of the other items I want to get rid of?
A: The City of Lakewood follows the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District’s recycling and disposal program. You may search the many items you might want to dispose of and find instructions for proper disposal by going to the following link:
Q: How should I dispose of a mattress, box spring, carpet roll(s) or other upholstered furniture items?
A: All mattresses, box springs, carpet (taped or tied 4’ rolls) and any upholstered furniture, (all MUST be wrapped & sealed in plastic mattress bags). Place on tree lawn on your scheduled collection day. Bags are sold at the Drop-Off Facility for $3/each (cash, credit or debit).
If you have further questions you may contact the Division of Refuse at: (216) 252-4322.
Tax FAQs+-
Q: Who must file a City of Lakewood tax return?
A: All resident individuals 18 years of age and over, non-residents who own rental property or conduct business in Lakewood, and resident and non-resident businesses that operate or have an office within the city limits must file a City of Lakewood tax return, even if no income is earned or no tax is due.
Q: How can I pay my tax balance?
A: Acceptable forms of payment include cash, check, money order, debit card, and credit card. You may pay in person during regular business hours, by mail, or over the phone.
Q: What are the Tax Division’s regular hours of operation?
A: The City of Lakewood – Division of Tax is open 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Q: What is the Tax Division’s contact information?
A: The Division of Tax is located at 12805 Detroit Ave., Suite One, Lakewood, OH 44107. The Division’s phone number is (216) 529-6620. The Division’s fax number is (216) 529-6099. The Division’s email address is
Q: Are retirees or disabled individuals required to file a Lakewood tax return?
A: Yes. Retirees and disabled individuals with no taxable income will need to file an exemption and supply the Division of Tax with a copy of their annual benefits statement.
Q: Do residents who rent need to file a Lakewood tax return?
A: Yes. The tax collected by the City of Lakewood is based on income and residency status, not on property ownership.
Q: What is the City of Lakewood’s tax rate?
A: Lakewood’s tax rate is one point five (1.5%) percent.
Q: Do I receive credit for taxes paid to other cities?
A: Residents receive a credit of zero point five (.5%) percent for taxes paid to other cities.
Q: What is the due date for the City of Lakewood’s tax return?
A: The due date matches the Federal tax filing due date for individuals and businesses.
Q: Can the tax office help me prepare the City of Lakewood tax return?
A: Yes. Auditors from the Division of Tax are available to prepare your INDIVIDUAL tax return for you free of charge. No appointment is necessary.
Q: Are lottery/gambling winnings taxable?
A: Yes, on winnings over $600.00.
Q: Does your office handle property taxes?
A: No. The Cuyahoga County property tax office is located in the Administration Building in downtown Cleveland. Their address is 2079 East Ninth (9th) Street Cleveland, OH 44115. Their phone number is (216) 443-7010.
Q: Can you answer questions concerning Federal or State taxes?
A: No. Any inquiries regarding Federal or State taxes should be directed to either the IRS or the State of Ohio, respectively.
Q: Can you answer my questions about my new real estate valuation and real estate taxes?
A: No. The City of Lakewood is not involved in the real estate valuation and real estate tax assessments. The Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer is responsible to see that every parcel of land and the buildings in Cuyahoga County are appraised and assessed for tax purposes. State law requires the county to conduct a reappraisal every six (6) years; and update every three (3) years; and a valuation of improvements based upon building permits received from each city annually. For further information contact the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer at (216) 443-7100.
Utility Billing FAQ+-
Q: How many days of service are in a reading period?
A: Usually, there are 30 days of service in a reading period—though there may be reading periods during the year that have slightly more or slightly fewer days.
Q: Why did you estimate my bill?
A: Bills are estimated when there is a problem reading the meter. Typically, a door hanger notifying the home owner or resident is left at the property first, requesting
that you call our office set up an appointment so that we may correct the problem. If there is no response within the listed amount of time, the metering department will estimate your usage.Q: Why are there two charges listed for water and sewer on my bill?
A: This happens when a water/sewer rate change occurs during a reading period (as opposed to at the very beginning of one). When calculating your bill, the system will automatically break-down and prorate your usage based on the rate increase and when it took effect. This proration is displayed on the bill in the form of these two charges (actually one charge, but split in two based on when the rate change took effect). Please note: You will only see this split on the bill for the first month of the rate change.
Q: Why didn’t I receive my bill this month?
A: The bills for each of the three water zones in Lakewood are mailed on the same day each month by our printer, so delays are unlikely (if not impossible). Please contact our office at 216.529.6820 so that we may verify that we have the correct mailing address for your bills. If the problem persists, please contact your local post office, as there may be a problem on their end.
Q: Can I get help with paying my water bill?
A: Various payment assistance programs are available:
- Outreach 216.226.9339
- Youth / Lakewood Dept. of Human Services 216.529.6870
- Lakewood Community Service Center 216.226.6466
- First Call for Help 216.436.2000
- Cuyahoga Co. Health & Human Service Dept. of Children & Family Services 216.431.4500
- Veterans Service Commission-Cuyahoga County 216.698.2621
- Cuyahoga County PRC Program 216.416.4440
- Website for Help Site:
Q: Who is responsible for paying the water/sewer bill in a lease situation?
A: In a lease situation, usually the landlord provides water/hot water to the tenants—and so the landlord would be considered responsible for payment of the bill. But this arrangement might be dependent upon the terms of the lease. If you have questions about your lease agreement, please contact the Cleveland Tenants Organization for landlords and tenants at 216.432.0609 or 216.432.0617. You may also meet with a Cleveland Tenant Organization representative in person every Wednesday evening between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the Lakewood Community Service Center, located at 14234 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, OH 44107.
Q: What should I do about my water service and bill if I sell my property or purchase new property?
A: If you sell your property or purchase a new property, please contact our office as soon as possible at 216.529.6820 and choose Option 2 so that we may assist you. When you call, please have ready your title transfer date, the name of the Title or Escrow Company, and the name of the new owner.
Vital Statistics (Birth & Death Certificates) FAQs+-
Q: What are your regular business hours?
A: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday (with the exception of holidays).They are closed from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM for lunch.
Q: Who should I make my check/money order payable to?
A: Make check/money order payable to the City of Lakewood.
Q: How far back in time do you retain birth records?
A: We retain some delayed certificates of birth (time range 1882-1908). A large number of these were delayed home birth filings. The recorded certificates of birth start in earnest in 1909 to current.
Q: How far back in time do you retain death records?
A: We retain recorded certificates of death from 1909 to current.
Water and Sewer Billing FAQs+-
Q: Why are my bills so high?
A: Though there could be many reasons for a higher-than-expected water bill, here are some of the most common:
Leaks, toilets, faucets, humidifiers, pipes & joints and water cooled equipment.
- Toilets are the most common problem and should be checked regularly to make sure they are operating properly. A moderate leak can go through about 12,000 gallons in a month. Many people think that a toilet always makes noise when it leaks; this is not true. The best way to check a toilet for leaks is visually (a flashlight and food coloring are very helpful.) If the handle sticks and you have to shake it to make it stop running, there is a leak.
- Check overflow tube to make sure it is not running over all the time.
- Put a few drops of food coloring in the tank (part against the wall) and let it set for 30 to 45 minutes. If colored water seeps into the toilet bowl, the flapper is not sealing properly. This makes the toilet refill itself.
- Faucet leaks are usually obvious, but in addition to checking bathroom and kitchen sinks, be sure to check bathtubs, shower, and stationary tubs and hose connections.
- Humidifiers operate in much the same way as do toilets, but usually there is a tube which runs to a drain; check there for running water.
- Pipe & Joint leaks are obvious when they are in an open area, but can go unnoticed for a long time when they occur in a hidden area, like a crawl space, under a porch or underground.
- Water-cooled equipment, usually used in commercial operations, can be huge consumers of water even when operating properly, and then can develop leaks which amplify the usage. Consideration should be given to replacing this equipment with air-cooled devices.
Seasonal use: lawn sprinkling, car washing, swimming pools.
- Lawn Sprinkling and other irrigation can add up tremendously, anywhere from five to twenty gallons per minute. Was it hot and dry during the reading period?
- Car Washing doesn’t need to use up a lot of water; run the hose only when you’re rinsing.
- Swimming Pools: Pool size and how often the water is renewed are key factors.
Number of Occupants – Rule of Thumb – water use per person in one month:
- Each person in a household uses between three and four units of water (a unit is 100 cubic feet, which is 748 gallons). There is no hard and fast rule in this regard: people vary greatly in their habits, but this rule of thumb gives you an idea of average. Water use usually increases significantly in warmer weather because of seasonal use, but also because of increased showering and clothes washing. Other considerations: company staying over during the reading period, or when children are home from school.
- Days of service are usually 30 days, but there are times where it could be fewer or more days of service in the reading period.
Q: When is my bill being estimated?
A: If there is a problem reading your meter, a door hanger is left at your property for you to call our office to set up an appointment to correct the problem. When there is no response, our metering department starts to estimate your water bills.
Q: How can I pay my water bill?
A: There are several ways to pay your water bill:
- In person at our office located at 12805 Detroit Avenue; You can pay by cash, check or credit card in our office, or deposit a check (no cash) into our drop box which is located under the second window from our door.
- By phone with a Visa card, Master card or Discover card (Credit or Debit) by calling (216) 529-6820, Option 2.
- Bank Draft payments can be set up with our office. Call (216) 529-6820, Option 2 for more information.
- By mail; you may mail payments to our office or the PO Box listed on our bills. Your bank may also offer a bill paying program.
- Pay online at by clicking here.
Q: Why are there two charges each for water & sewer on my bill?
A: When there is a Water/ Sewer rate increase, the system breaks it down and prorates the charges. It will show the old rate and new rate charges for water and sewer. You will only see this on the first month of the rates changes.
Q: Why didn’t I receive my bill this month?
A: There are three water zones in Lakewood. The bills for each zone are mailed the same day by our printer.
- First, contact our office so we can verify that we have the correct mailing address for your bills.
- Second, if the problem persists, contact your local post office to see if there is a problem on their end.
Q: Where can I get help with paying my water bill?
A: There are assistance programs to help you:
- Step Forward Today:
- Cleveland Housing Network:
- Outreach (216) 226-9339
- Youth / Lakewood Dept. of Human Services (216) 529-6870
- Lakewood Community Service Center (216) 226-6466
- First Call for Help (216) 436-2000
- Cuyahoga Co. Health & Human Service Dept. of Children & Family Services (216) 431-4500
- Veterans Service Commission-Cuyahoga County (216) 698-2621
- Consumer Protection Association (216) 881-3434
- Website for Help Site:
Q: Who is responsible for paying the water / sewer bill in a lease situation?
A: If you are a renter, usually the landlord provides water /hot water to the tenants. But you’ll need to check your lease or rental agreement to see if you are responsible. If you have questions about your lease agreement, contact the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland at (216) 861-5955 or go to their website at:
Q: How do I qualify for Homestead Exemption?
A: You may qualify for reduced water and sewer rates under the Homestead Exemption.
- If you are the home owner, at least 65 years of age, live in the home and have income not more than $35,000.00 annually.
- If you are the home owner, and totally disabled, live in the home and have income not more than $35,000.00 annually.
You may contact our office for an application by calling (216) 529-6820, You must renew annually. Or an application is also available at:
Q: What is the summer sprinkling program and how do I qualify?
A: The City of Lakewood Division of Water/WWC has adopted a Summer Residential Sprinkling Program for homeowners from July through September of each year. Residential owner-occupied homes of one, two, three and four – family units in good standing, living on the property for the past year, qualify for the program. If you participate in the program, the Division of Water/WWC will calculate your average sewer cost based on your usage from January –April. During the months of July, August and September, sewer usage above the average, will be attributed to your lawn watering and will result in an adjustment to your bill. The program will not replace the City’s current sewer exempt or sprinkler meter programs. If you signed up for our Summer Sprinkling Program in the past few years, there is no need to sign up again. You will automatically be in the program.
Click here to apply to participate in this program.
You may also contact our office for an application by calling (216) 529-6820, Option two (2). All applications must be received by May 31st.
Q: What should I do about my water service and bill if I sell my property or purchase new property?
A: Contact the Customer Service Department at (216) 529-6820, Option 2 so we can assist you. We will need your title transfer date, the name of the Title or Escrow Company and the name of the new owner.
Water and Wastewater Collection FAQs+-
Q: Where does our drinking water come from?
A: Lakewood contracts with the city of Cleveland for clean drinking water.
Q: Is there information about the city of Lakewood water quality?
A: Yes. The most recent City of Lakewood Water Quality Report may be found on the city’s website by clicking here.
Annual water reports are typically issued to the city within six (6) months of the year end. Next water quality report expected to be issued by June one (1).
Q: How does the city make sure the drinking water is safe?
- Cleveland has a state-of-the-art water treatment process which includes multiple barriers to protect public health.
- Water Quality in Lakewood is checked on a regular basis as required by the EPA.
- Lakewood checks for: disinfection, disinfection byproducts, pH levels and orthophosphates. The last of which keeps contaminants from leaching from the existing pipe lines into the water.
- Cleveland uses filtration, alum, powdered activated carbon (PAC), Potassium Permanganate and chlorine to remove and treat for natural and man-made contaminants.
- Corrosion control processes to ensure no lead gets into the water as it flows through distribution pipes under the street
Q: If I am concerned about my water can I have it tested?
A: If a homeowner is concerned about the water in their home, they can contact Lakewood’s Division of Water (216) 529-6820 to obtain a list of Ohio EPA approved laboratories certified at testing water for lead.
Q: What does a sewer odor in my basement mean?
A: Usually this means a dry floor drain. If the trap seal is even partially evaporated, sewer odors can enter the building. Especially in the winter, add a small bucket of water to each floor drain about once a week. Other possible causes are abandoned or not used plumbing fixtures and deteriorated vent pipes on the plumbing system. These pipes may be exposed or hidden in the building structure. You may need to consult a professional plumber. If you smell natural gas or feel that there is a danger, call the Lakewood Fire Department.
Q: What if my water appears cloudy?
A: Cloudy water is caused by tiny air bubbles in the water similar to gas bubbles in carbonated drinks. After a while the bubbles rise to the top and disappear. This happens more often in the winter time.
Q: What if I have a concern about water quality?
A: The official numbers for water quality information are: City of Cleveland Public Relations at (216) 664 2444 and the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (1-800) 426-4791.
Youth FAQs+-
Division of Youth – (216) 529-6873
Q: Is this the county?
A: No. This is the City of Lakewood. All county related assistance including child support, food stamps, health insurance, job training, and emergency assistance, can be found by calling the Cuyahoga County Department of Jobs and Family Services at (216) 987-7000 or for concerns of child abuse and/or neglect please call the Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services at (216) 696-KIDS (5497).
Q: Who do I call if I think a child is being abused?
A: Please report all concerns of child abuse and neglect to Cuyahoga County Child and Family Services at (216) 696-KIDS (5437).
Q: What does the Division of Youth do?
A: The Division of Youth looks for creative ways to engage parents in developing relationships and community connections. We assist parents with problem solving, skill building and crisis resolution. Contact (216)529-6873 or email
Q: I am a parent with children and I need assistance, who can help me?
A: Please call the Division of Youth at (216) 529-6873 or email
Q: My child is in trouble with the police, who can I talk to?
A: Juvenile Diversion Program is a voluntary program designed to offer first time juvenile offenders and their parents the opportunity to restore trust, give back to the community and to find ways to continue to be positively involved in their community. It is designed to empower families through education, direction and guidance for the betterment of the child, the City and its residents. Questions? Contact Juvenile Diversion Program at (216) 529-6870
Q: My child has been truant at school, who can I talk to?
A: Juvenile Diversion Program is a voluntary program designed to offer first time juvenile offenders and their parents the opportunity to restore trust, give back to the community and to find ways to continue to be positively involved in their community. It is designed to empower families through education, direction and guidance for the betterment of the child, the City and its residents. Questions? Contact Juvenile Diversion Program at (216) 529-6870
Q: I have a middle school child and looking for positive volunteer opportunities, do you know of any?
A: H2O (Help to Others) Youth Volunteer Program connects Lakewood youth with volunteer opportunities to develop a strong desire to serve the community. Nurtured by a culture of kindness, they learn valuable skills while helping others. They grow into more engaged citizens empowered to make an impact in the world. Questions? Contact H2O (Help to Others) Youth Volunteer Program (216) 529-6045.
Other FAQs
Block Club Program FAQs+-
Q: Who do I contact for more information on Lakewood’s Neighborhood Block Club Program?
A: You may contact the Mayor’s Office at (216) 529-6600 to obtain block club information or to start a block club. You may also find Block Club information on the city website by clicking here.
Q: What if I cannot have a meeting in my home – what are my options?
A: If you cannot hold your neighborhood Block Club meeting in your home, you have several options. You can contact the Crime Prevention Office to check on the availability of the training room at the Lakewood police station; you can call the Lakewood Recreation/Adult Education Department to check on the availability of a room in one of the city schools for your meeting; you can inquire at your church as to use of a meeting room there; or you could contact the Lakewood Public Library to check on the availability of one of their meeting rooms. These are just a few ideas, if you need additional assistance, contact the Block Club information office at (216) 529-6600.
Q: My neighbors are hesitant about reporting crimes, suspicious acts or other things (housing code violations, garbage, etc.), what can I tell them?
A: Block Clubs succeed, first and foremost, when neighbors are alert, ready and willing to report incidents to the police. Everyone in your neighborhood should have on hand both the emergency numbers for police and fire as well as the non-emergency numbers for those departments. Although they will be asked for their name and address when making a report, their name and other personal information will be kept confidential. If a copy of a written report is requested, all personal information about the person reporting is “redacted” or blacked out, so that it is not made public.
Residents are strongly encouraged to report incidents, even if they are unsure about the level of seriousness. Even if no significant police action results from a particular call, if the problem is ongoing, every call creates a stronger paper trail and can ultimately aid the police and other city departments in addressing the problem.
Q: What other city representatives could I get involved in my street’s block club efforts and meeting?
A: You can contact your council person and your ward police officer to invite him/her to your meeting. If your problem relates to rundown housing or unkempt property, you may also want to invite a representative of the building department or the housing court to answer questions regarding code violations and enforcement.
Q: Are Animal Control Officers available to come speak with a Block Club?
A: Absolutely. Animal Control Officers can come to talk about dogs and responsible pet ownership/best practices, backyard hen-keeping or issues such as a feral cats or wildlife such as deer, coyotes or fox. The Mayor’s office can help make these arrangements please call (216) 529-6600.
Q: How can I find out about crime occurring in my neighborhood?
A: A weekly report is issued by the Police Department on Tuesdays. It is public record. Any resident can call and request a copy of the report for their street or neighborhood and pick it up from the Police Department when it’s ready.
Q: Other than Block Club, does Lakewood offer any other training for residents in crime prevention that I can become involved in?
A: There are no other training courses available at this time for residents in crime prevention or community policing. However, residents involved in Block Club may want to become involved in the Community Emergency Response Team Program (CERT), which trains residents on how to prepare for and respond to city-wide disasters and be able to help themselves, their families and their neighbors in the event of a large emergency situation, such as that caused by tornadoes, severe winter weather, accidents, fires, etc. Please contact Westshore CERT Coordinator at 440-716-4135 or email for more information about CERT.
Q: I have seen Block Club street signs in other communities. Are those types of signs available to residents of Lakewood?
A: Lakewood will provide signs for streets with Block Club groups that meet certain criteria. Please call the Mayor’s office at (216) 529-6600 and ask the Block Club liaison for more information.
Q: Does the city keep a record of streets with operating Block Club groups?
A: Yes. Click here to check out the map on the city’s website to see the latest list of streets that have registered Block Clubs.
Q: Can I incur any legal liability by heading up or participating in a Block Group?
A: No. Block Club participants should only be calling the police to report crimes or suspicious activities, but not taking any other action beyond observing and reporting. As long as you act within the rules of block club and do not try to physically intervene in an incident or apprehend someone, you will not incur any legal liability.
Q: There are some small businesses in my neighborhood. Can they be part of our Block Club group?
A: Absolutely yes! Business owners are encouraged to get involved in Block Club and Lakewood is a city that is well suited to “mixed” groups that include residents as well as businesses. A group can also include a church or other places of worship in the neighborhood. A successful Block Club should include as many members of a neighborhood as possible.
Lead Safety & Prevention FAQs+-
What is lead poisoning?
Lead poisoning is the most common chronic poisoning and environmental illness in the United States. Lead poisoning is the elevation of the lead in the body. It may cause damage to the brain and nervous system resulting in behavioral and learning problems, slowed growth and hearing problems. Even low levels of lead in the blood have been linked to lower IQ levels. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has defined an Elevated Blood Lead Level (EBL) as a level higher than 10 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). In 2007, the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council adopted a local action level of 5 µg/dL.
Where does lead come from?
Even though lead paint is no longer used in homes, it can be found on many painted surfaces. Most homes built before 1978 have some lead paint in them. Lead is most often found on windows, trim, doors, railings, columns, porches and the outside of older homes. When a painted surface starts to flake, crack or chip, it makes a dust. This dust may have lead in it. Lead dust will get onto the floors, window sills, in dirt and in other places too. Sometimes, a small amount of lead can also be found in drinking water.
Where are lead hazards most often found in homes?
The most common areas are window wells, porch floors, porch railings, and bare dirt.
How does lead get inside a child’s body?
The main way a child gets lead in their body is through hand to mouth behavior. Most children will play on the floor, porch or ground outside. When paint starts to wear down it makes a dust. The lead dust from the old paint gets onto their hands or toys. The children put their hands or toys in their mouths and swallow the lead dust that might be on their hands or toys. Children also can breathe in the lead dust when the old paint starts to flake, crack or chip. Some children may eat paint chips.
How can I tell if my child has lead poisoning?
Most children who have lead poisoning do not look or act sick. The only way you will be able to tell if your child has lead poisoning is by a blood test.
How do I know if my child should be tested for lead?
Your child should be tested at least once a year until age 6 and children with special needs, especially those who put things into their mouths or have pica (eat things that are not food like paper, plastic or dirt) may need to be tested beyond age 6. Make sure your pediatrician is testing your child at their annual exam or call the Cuyahoga Board of Health at 216-201-2041 to schedule blood level testing.
What steps can be taken to help prevent lead poisoning?
One of the first lines of defense is good and frequent hand washing. When young children touch surfaces where lead dust is often found (windows and window sills, doors and door frames, railings and porches) and then place their hands in their mouths, they can ingest lead dust. Keeping paint in good shape and regularly damp mopping and dusting can minimize risks.
Lead is also found in the soil, especially close to the house where it may have peeled or been scraped and not disposed of properly over the years. Avoid having bare soil. Plant grass and cover the area surrounding your home with mulch or other ground cover. Using doormats and/or taking shoes off at the door can prevent you from tracking lead contaminated soil into the house.
Healthy foods can help lower lead levels. If your child is not getting enough healthy food, their body may take in more lead. Feed your child healthy foods rich in calcium, iron and Vitamin C.
Use a HEPA vacuum to reduce lead dust in the home. The County Board of Health has a vacuum loan program. The HEPA vacuum can be borrowed for two weeks by calling 216-201-2001, ext. 1215.
How can I get assistance with home repairs?
Owners or renters in Lakewood with children 5 years of age or younger who qualify by income can receive up to $8,000 dollars in repairs to make the home lead safe. Call 216-201-2000, ext. 1527 to see if you qualify for repairs/replacements of windows, doors, and porches through the Lead Safe Cuyahoga program.
Families who do not meet the income restrictions may be able to finance repairs via the Housing Enhancement Loan Program (HELP). Contact Planning & Development at 216-529-7681 for more information.
It is important to use a certified contractor who has had lead abatement training. The city maintains a list that can be found at or you can contact the Board of Health at 216-201-2001, ext. 1262.
What must be done when buying, selling or renting a home?
The Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 was passed by Congress to protect families from exposure to lead. Before ratification of a contract for housing sale or lease, sellers and landlords must give an EPA approved information pamphlet on identifying and controlling lead-based paint hazards. Sellers and landlords must disclose and provide any records about lead-based paint in the home. Contracts and leases must include a Lead Warning Statement. Finally, sellers must provide homebuyers a 10 day period to conduct an inspection or risk assessment. Parties may mutually agree to lengthen or shorten this time and buyers may waive this inspection opportunity altogether.
Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home – EPA approved info pamphlet
Lead Poisoning: Know Your Rights, Remedies & Resources – Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
The Lead Disclosure Rule – HUD
Lead Poisoning Prevention – Cuyahoga County Board of Health
Snow Removal FAQs+-
How does the City decide what streets are plowed first?
In removing the snow and ice, the City responds first to all main roads, bridges, hills and secondary main roads which must be kept passable to provide a safe transportation network to the largest volume of people. Once these areas are in passable condition, crews head to clear the residential side streets.
Why does the plow not remove all the snow from my road?
On residential side streets, the plow blade has “guards” that keep the blade just a fraction above the roadway surface. This is done to prevent damage to vehicles and equipment and help limit the damage to the asphalt and concrete road surface and damage to other infrastructure such as manholes, catch basins or water valves. Streets with low traffic volumes may remain snow covered longer. Salt is not very effective during heavy snow fall on side streets due to the low traffic volume needed to help activate the melting agents in road salt. Salt will be applied on side streets when the snowfall has slowed or stopped and when conditions exist that will make it effective or necessary. Salt applied on side streets with low vehicle traffic and during the course of active snow fall will get plowed out of the streets and unto tree lawns, thereby squandering the use of the costly resource and the time, labor and equipment spent and used to deliver it. Salt is always applied within approximately 100 feet of all side street intersections and on all hills when side streets are plowed.Why do the snow plows push snow into my driveway apron and who is responsible for clearing it?
Unfortunately, it cannot be helped and we apologize for the inconvenience it causes you. The snow must be removed from the traveled portion of the road for public safety. Snow left in driveway aprons by the city while snow plowing is the residents’ and owners’ responsibility to remove.Why doesn’t the city clean my driveway apron?
There are approximately 15,000 driveway aprons in the City. The time and cost to clean all the driveway aprons is prohibitive.Can snow from my driveway be blown or plowed into the street?
Snow may not be pushed or blown into the street from private property, nor may it be pushed onto your neighbor’s property. Please remind your snow plow service that they are not permitted to push snow onto the street or onto property that it did not fall upon.Who is responsible for removing snow from the sidewalks?
According to City of Lakewood Ordinance 521.06, property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalks clear of debris as well as snow and ice within 24 hours of a snowfall.Why doesn’t the city salt the side streets?
We do salt side streets on a limited basis as conditions warrant. Excessive road salt usage is costly, has a negative environmental effect and reduces the longevity of the road surface. For more information see our Salt Reduction Strategy.Residents must obey all parking signs and winter parking restrictions. To provide effective snow removal, the City may order that special parking restrictions be put in place. These restrictions will be announced through the media.
Further Questions:
Contact the City of Lakewood Streets and Forestry Department at (216) 529-6810.
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