Housing Financial Assistance Programs
The Department of Planning and Development offers a number of programs that may assist you in making improvements to your home or coming into compliance with a correction notice. If you qualify on income, you may be eligible for grants, forgivable loans, low-interest loans or rebates. If you are a senior (65+) or disabled, you may also qualify for a deferred loan with zero interest. You would not have to make payments for the improvements to your home.
Below is a short description of each of the programs. Each program title is a link to the online application for the program.
Are you a first-time homebuyer?
- 0% Interest
- No monthly payment
- Second mortgage is used to assist with both down payment and closing costs
- For more information, click here or contact the Division of Community Development at 216-529-4663 or dcd@lakewoodoh.net.
Are you a landlord?
- Rental properties 1 or more units
- Low/moderate income requirements for tenants
- 0% interest; partial forgiveness, up to $14,000 per unit
- 120 months maximum loan
- Eligible interior improvements – kitchens, bathrooms, painting, windows, flooring, electrical and plumbing
- Common area improvements eligible; costs must be proportional to units assisted with federal funds
- 5 year affordability period; Fair Market Rents required
- Summary of Landlord Requirements
- For more information, contact the Division of Community Development at 216-529-4663 or dcd@lakewoodoh.net.
Do you own the home you live in?
- Owner occupied
- Low/moderate income requirements
- Secured by a lien on the property
- Repayment Options:
- 3% loan – $25,000 maximum; repayment terms based on credit history and income; may not exceed 240 months.
- 0% Deferred Payment Loan – Applicants must be 65+ or permanently disabled; payment in full due when property is no longer owner occupied.
- Emergency Loans – for single item repairs.
- Click here to view the online application.
- Owner occupied
- Low/moderate income requirements
- Must bring exterior into exterior compliance with Division of Building and Housing
- Rebates available for qualified exterior & interior improvements
- 50% up to $10,000 for eligible repairs including but not limited to roofs, exterior painting, porch repairs, concreter, masonry repairs, or
- Up to $5,000 for repairs to sewer line connections, dye test required
- Click here to view the online application.
- Owner occupied
- Low/moderate income requirements
- Free energy audit
- Up to $5,000 grant assistance for approved improvements.
- Click here to view the online application.
DCD Contact Us+-
City of Lakewood
Division of Community Development216-529-4663
dcd@lakewoodoh.net.12650 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107The Division of Community Development is housed in the Planning Department at City Hall. Office is on the bottom floor of City Hall past the Building Department. Office hours are 8:00-4:30 Monday – Friday.
Printable Program Summary+-
Click here for a printable program summary.
Additional Programs Available+-
HOUSING ENHANCEMENT LOAN PROGRAM (HELP) – Who wouldn’t like a 3% interest rate reduction on a fixed rate equity loan? Cuyahoga County sponsors the HELP Loan for County residents making improvements to their homes. No income restrictions. Use your home’s equity to make necessary home improvements at very low interest rates. Contact your local Key or Huntington Bank branch for additional information.
OHIO HOMEBUYER PLUS – In collaboration between the offices of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Treasurer Sprague, Ohio Homebuyer Plus creates specialized, tax-advantaged savings accounts to assist Ohioans on their homebuying journey. Individuals who open an account will have access to above-market interest rates and may also qualify for certain Ohio state income tax deductions. For more info, visit https://tos.ohio.gov/homebuyerplus/.
LEAD SAFE CUYAHOGA GRANT PROGRAM – Want to get the lead out? If you are a renter or homeowner with children under the age of 5 who occupy or frequently visit your home, the Cuyahoga County Board of Health provides grant based assistance to remediate lead hazards. Contact the Board of Health staff at 216-201-2000.
WINTER CRISIS PROGRAM – Emergency assistance is available through Step Forward, a northeast Ohio agency, for residents who are threatened with or have already been disconnected by a utility provider. Contact the Council at (216) 350-8008 to make an appointment. Additional information is available on their website at https://www.stepforwardtoday.org/energy-assistance-programs.
ENBRIDGE OHIO ENERGY SAVING PROGRAMS – Enbridge Ohio offers advice and programming on keeping your energy bill low throughout the year. Visit https://www.enbridgegas.com/ohio/save-energy to learn more.
HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM – Looking to improve your home’s energy efficiency? Contact Lakewood Alive at 216-521-0655 for information on this program offered through the Ohio Department of Development. Income guidelines and additional information at https://dsas.cuyahogacounty.us/enUS/energy-assistance-programs.aspx.
PAINT LAKEWOOD – Provides a grant of up to $3,500 to qualified Lakewood homeowners and residents for exterior paint, supplies and professional labor costs to paint their home. The program has been designed to offer a grant on a sliding scale to help reduce the cost of an exterior paint job.
LAKEWOODALIVE PRIDE FUND – Provides loan guaranties to qualified Lakewood homeowners with incomes not more than 120% of the Area Median Income to help them secure a home repair loan of up to $8,000 (the “Pride Loan”) from First Federal of Lakewood. Contact Lakewood Alive at 216-521-0655 for more information about their programs.
Homeowner's Tax Abatement Program+-
The City of Lakewood was the first municipality in the State of Ohio to enact legislation allowing homeowner’s to qualify for a property tax abatement that defers a property tax increase for five (5) years on qualifying home improvements. This was done to encourage property owners to reinvest in their properties.
The Tax Abatement Program is administered through the Cuyahoga County Property Appraisal Department and applies to one- and two-family dwelling units. The abatement is for certain new construction and improvement projects that cost at least $2,500 and cause an increase in the assessed value of the property. The City of Lakewood automatically notifies the County of all qualifying projects once work is complete and permits have been closed.
Eligible Projects are:
- Additions
- Accessory Buildings (Garages)
- Indoor Fireplaces
- In-ground pools
- Major Rehab Projects
- New Whole House Air Conditioning
- New Decks and Porches (Not Replacements)
(Note: Not all projects raise property values and do not qualify for abatement)
The County utilizes the information from the City of Lakewood when determining the value for your property.