The City will post project opportunities for home rehabilitation and infill housing as they come available. If there are no links below, there are no opportunities at this time.
17450 Shaw Avenue is a newly constructed home that contains three bedrooms and two and a half baths. The home totals 2,170 square feet and features a two-car garage. It is designed with inclusionary standards to allow for aging in place and accessibility. This single-family home is part of the City of Lakewood’s affordable housing plan and was constructed using federal HOME funds. Buyers must meet specific income and credit requirements.
The City’s listing agent is Amber Lynn Callahan with Lucien Realty and the property’s listing is available by clicking here.
Buyers will need to complete a pre-application and provide income documentation. Please review the program requirements below and contact the listing agent for additional information.
Sales Methodology for 17450 Shaw
Request for Real Estate Services – Please Submit by February 4th
The City of Lakewood is seeking a licensed real estate professional(s) to market and sell 17450 Shaw Avenue. This is a new single-family home developed by the City of Lakewood as part of its Affordable Housing Strategy. The home is 2,170 square feet, has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a two-car garage. Construction was financed with federal HOME funds and buyers must meet specific income and credit requirements. The selected agent must become familiar with all relevant buyer requirements and aggressively market the properties to eligible low- and moderate-income buyers (see linked flyer).
Click here to view the RFQ. A realtor walk through will be held on Friday, January 28th from 11:00am-12:00pm.
Responses shall be submitted electronically to Mary Leigh, Programs Manager, Department of Planning and Development at no later than Friday, February 4th.
New Listing – 12311 Plover
12311 Plover is a new single-family home developed by the City of Lakewood as part of its Affordable Housing Strategy. Working with builder Scalish Design Build, the property is 1800 square feet, has 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, and a single car garage. Construction was financed with federal HOME funds and buyers must meet specific income and credit requirements. The City’s listing agent is Haley Turner with Howard Hanna and the property’s listing is available at Buyers will need to complete a pre-application and provide income documentation. Please review the program requirements below and contact the listing agent for additional information.
Lakewood’s Community Vision for Housing
- Encourage new and infill development that enhances, protects, and respects the quality, character, uniqueness, and historic character of our neighborhoods
- Promote the development affordable housing for low-moderate income families
- Support a stable housing market; consistent growth in housing values; and a broad range of housing types and opportunities
- Proactively maintain and improve Lakewood’s high-quality housing stock; support high quality design; and encourage substantive improvements that correct code violations, and sustain homes for their next 100 years
Several projects that are finished or ongoing are described below.
Dowd Avenue Rehabilitation Project+-
The renovation of 2147 Dowd Avenue is one of several strategic investments the City of Lakewood has made in the historic Birdtown neighborhood. Completed in 2016, this home combines the best of energy efficiency, modern amenities and classic Lakewood charm. The addition of solar power will save current and future occupants around $15,000 in savings on their electric bill over the next 20 years.
Edanola New Build Project+-
Earlier this year, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was published to build a single-family home on a vacant city-owned parcel on Edanola Avenue. The RFQ’s objective was to partner with a developer to construct a new single family property while advancing the Community Vision through innovative design and addressing one or more of the following design features:
- The inclusion of a first floor master suite;
- Innovative energy efficiency (e.g. LEED Accreditation);
- Smart-home technology; or
- Storm water management landscape features or technologies.
We received four great submissions and selected two teams to interview. Through the interview process we selected Prairie Stone Group, LLC led by Dana Paul. Dana’s thoughtful proposed design included energy efficiency, a first floor master suite, a rain garden, and an interior layout and design that focuses on ADA accessibility. He recently completed the construction of a new home on Scenic Drive.
We expect Prairie Stone to begin the boards and commissions process this summer, and to begin construction by the end of 2017.
Madison Avenue Project+-
The City of Lakewood is issuing a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) directed toward non-profit organizations and private developers interested in constructing a new mixed-use development with affordable housing units, for low- and moderate-income households, to be located on the city-owned parcel at 11900 Madison Avenue. The City expects respondents to bring forth a wide range of ideas, concepts, or specific proposals to support the development of affordable, sustainable housing solutions that are holistic in their approach. Solutions should address social inclusion and healthy communities including a range of market, mixed market, and affordable units for low- and moderate-income households, in addition to units that appeal to various population groups.
Click here to view the REOI.
Click here to view the city’s responses to questions related to this REOI.
Orchard Grove Rehabilitation Project+-
For-profit and non-profit developers are encouraged to submit proposals for the renovation of 1612 Orchard Grove. Through this project, the City of Lakewood seeks a partner to address the below three housing objectives identified in the Community Vision and by the Department of Housing and Urban Development:
- Promote the development of affordable housing for low-moderate income and special needs households
- Provide a variety of housing types that meet the needs of the whole community including seniors, low-moderate income families, and special needs households
- Improve the health and well-being of low-income people by transforming the quality of affordable housing through Enterprise Green Community or similar standards
There is a mandatory walk through at the property at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, August 29, 2018. Submissions are due no later than 4:00 PM on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.
Click here for the RFQ.
Plover Avenue New Build Projects+-
The Birdtown Infill Project is underway! Last year the City partnered with Payne and Payne Builders Inc. to develop four single family homes in the Historic Birdtown Neighborhood. The project will be completed in two phases.
Phase 1: Two affordable single family homes are being constructed at the corner of Plover and Robin. Both units will be available this fall for purchase by low and moderate income buyers through the Lakewood First Time Homebuyer’s Program. Information on the HOME Program is available here.
Phase 2: Coming Soon! This phase is still under development and will include two detached market rate homes. Interested buyers should contact Howard Hanna for additional information.
Construction teams are encouraged to submit responses to the Request for Qualifications for the construction of a modest single-family infill home at 12311 Plover. Through this project, the City of Lakewood seeks a partner to construct a unique life-work style space, taking design inspiration from Birdtown’s historic past. The project will further serve to address the housing objectives below as identified in the Community Vision and by the Department of Housing and Urban Development:
- Provide a variety of housing types that meet the needs of the whole community
- Encourage new and infill development which is complementary to the scale and character of the surrounding residential uses
- Promote the importance of the financial benefits of quality repairs and maintenance
- Promote energy efficiency
Click here for the Plover RFQ.
Shaw Avenue Project+-
Shaw Avenue Project
For-profit and non-profit developers are encouraged to submit proposals for the design and construction of a modest single-family infill home at 17450 Shaw Avenue. Through this project, the City of Lakewood seeks a partner to create a unique multi-generational living space to protect and enhance the quality and character of our residential neighborhoods. The project will further serve to address the below housing objectives identified in the Community Vision and by the Department of Housing and Urban Development:
- Provide a variety of housing types that meet the needs of the whole community
- Encourage new and infill development which is complementary to the scale and character of the surrounding residential uses
- Promote development of housing for working class and special needs households
- Promote energy efficiency
Click here for the Shaw Avenue RFQ.