Lakewood City Council Approves New Townhomes at Rockport Square - The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Lakewood City Council Approves New Townhomes at Rockport Square

July 27, 2015

Rockport 2 Rockport 3

Last Monday, Lakewood City Council approved a development agreement with Forest City Enterprises and Ryan Homes to build 51 new townhomes at the East End of Detroit Avenue.

Construction is likely to begin this fall. When completed, this project will be the final phase of development for the Rockport Square project, which began in 2005. Prices for the townhomes are expected to begin at $225,000 to $275,000.

“This development represents a $12 million investment in Lakewood,” said Lakewood Mayor Michael Summers. “Housing is Lakewood’s largest economic engine, and by diversifying our offerings we are continuing to maintain our edge as an attractive place for people to call home — for everyone, from empty nesters to Millennials.”

Units at Rockport Square will be available for sale in 2016.