Lewis Sewer Improvement Project | The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Lewis Sewer Improvement Project


Temporary Parking Permits

St. Edward High School Temporary Parking Permit Information
Franklin School Temporary Parking Permit Information

Beginning in early May, the City of Lakewood will be making major improvements to the sewer infrastructure under Lewis Drive. If your property is located within the construction limits or will be impacted by the temporary traffic control needed for the project, we want you to be prepared before construction begins. We are hosting a neighborhood meeting about the project to address any concerns or questions.

Project Description and Timeline
This Clean Water Lakewood project is anticipated to run from May 2024 to December 2024 and will modernize the infrastructure that is below the street so it can efficiently meet current and future demands. This project will include replacing and revitalizing the 109-year-old sewer system.

Once complete, residents will benefit from:

  • Improved sewer drainage
  • Newly paved streets including some driveway apron and curb replacements
  • Protection for the environment from fewer combined sewer overflows to Lake Erie

Do you live on Lewis Drive? Our Good Neighbor Commitment will help you know what to expect during this project.