ODNR Offers Assistance to Property Owners as Lake Erie Water Levels Near Record Highs
July 09, 2019The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has available assistance programs for Lakewood residents in response to Lake Erie water level issues. Given the amount of rainfall that Ohio has received this spring, the Lake Erie water levels continue to rise. Lake Erie water levels are currently at near record highs, will remain high and are anticipated to peak this month. Lake levels will then begin to subside due to a normal seasonal decline.
All of the Great Lakes are at near record highs due to increased precipitation across the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Region. Lake Erie is 2.7 feet above long-term average water level for the month of June. On June 21, 2019, the water level was 5 inches above the record highest average level for June, which occurred in 1986. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is committed to working with your offices to provide assistance to those impacted by the record-breaking water levels.
ODNR has the following assistance programs available to property owners:
- Temporary Shore Structure Permits are available to coastal property owners to protect their properties from catastrophic erosion.
- The permits allow coastal property owners to install emergency shore protection to protect their property from additional erosion-related damage.
- Permits are free of charge and are typically issued within a week.
- Free on-site Technical Assistance to owners of property along Lake Erie by ODNR coastal engineers.
- Provide recommendations for erosion mitigation and best management practices to prevent or slow coastal erosion.
- Call the ODNR Office of Coastal Management at (419) 626-7980 to speak with a Coastal Engineer.
- Upon request, the ODNR Office of Coastal Management also participates in local community meetings to discuss high water levels and coastal erosion with local officials and coastal property owners.
- Coastal Erosion Area Loan Program: Low–interest loans for the design and construction of erosion control measures for properties within a designated coastal erosion area http://coastal.ohiodnr.gov/erosionloans. This program is administered by participating counties, not by ODNR.
For questions regarding your property and Lakewood specific information, please contact the Division of Housing and Building at (216) 529-6270 or via email at housing.building@lakewoodoh.net.
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