Parks - The City of Lakewood, Ohio


Mission Statement

The mission of the Division of Parks and Public Property is to maintain our public buildings, enhance and beautify our parks and public properties and upgrade and improve our playgrounds and parks amenities to provide the citizens of Lakewood with attractive, well-maintained and well-managed facilities and with the finest recreational opportunities available.

  • Park Rules+-

    Click here for rules pertaining to city parks.

  • Special Event Permits+-

    Is your Lakewood Community Group interested in holding a special event on public property?  If so, you will need to apply for a special event permit. There is a $300.00 application fee required for a special event permit.  In addition to this fee, the applicant is responsible for the payment of all other expenses incurred by the city for assistance with the event.

    A Lakewood Community Group is defined as a group organized for the purpose other than to generate income for profit who maintains a business address within the City of Lakewood.  An Event Applicant must provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 and have the City of Lakewood listed as the “Additional Insured.”

    Permits are issued through the Lakewood Police Department.  To receive an application or if you have questions related to the special event permit process, please reach out to Lt. Deucher in the Police Department at 216-529-6781 or via email

    Applications must be received by March 15, 2025 for all 2025 special event permits.


    1. Application Fee:  Every Parade or Special Event which takes place in the city shall be required to file a Parade and Special Event Permit Application and pay a non-refundable Application Fee of $300.00.  Permit fees are non-refundable and non-transferable (to future dates or other user groups).  Cancellations must be reported promptly.  Failure to report cancellations will result in revocation of the permit and denial of subsequent additional permits.
    2. Approval Considerations:  In addition to the criteria provided in Section 557.04 of the Lakewood Codified Ordinances, the Special Event approval process will measure the following:
      • The City’s long-term return on this investment
      • How the event engages citizens in education and/or entertainment
      • Whether the event promotes the city’s welfare and economic development
      • Whether the event is a fundraiser and how effective the fundraiser is for the non-profit recipient
      • The location and time of the event and how many similar events are scheduled (it is the intent of the city to limit the number of runs/races which occur in the city to 12 races per year)
      • The overtime cost of city employees to work these events and the cost of expenses to the city.
      • The impact and conflict the event will cause the affected neighborhoods.
    1. Security:  Police personnel used for security at any Special Event must be provided by the Event Applicant. Off-duty police officers should be arranged directly by the Event Applicant by contacting Lt. Deucher of the Police Department at (216) 529-6781, who will provide you with the number of off-duty officers you will need based on the information in the Special Event Application and will provide you with a contact to make arrangements for securing off-duty police officers.
    2. Applicant’s Authorized Representative Day of:  Event Applicants shall provide the name and day-of contact information for the Applicant’s Authorized Representative who will be overseeing the event from start to finish.  The authorized representative will remain at the event until all participants and vendors have left and all trash has been collected and properly removed.
    3. Event Schematic: Draft schematic should be submitted with the application.  A final schematic of the event set-up shall be provided to the city representative at least 30 days prior to the event to obtain approval for location of equipment, portable bathrooms, activity, and vending locations as well as to make a final determination of all Public Works needs, crowd control equipment, security updates and to create a logistics plan for loading and unloading of event equipment.
    4. Frequency of Events: Only one special event permit will be issued per weekend.
    5. Music Equipment:  All sound equipment used for events must be respectful of neighboring residences and the Lakewood Codified Ordinances including Chapter 515.  All sound equipment should be directed away from private residences when possible.
    6. Language & Conduct:  Loud, vulgar, confrontational language is not permitted on public property.  Applicant is fully responsible for conduct of all spectators, as well as participants, and will be required to provide identifiable adult supervision/security.
    7. Alcohol & Liquor Permits:  Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in all areas of parks or public right-of-ways unless approved by this permit and upon successfully obtaining the appropriate liquor license for such event.
    8. Other Licensing & Permits:  It is the obligation of the Applicant to obtain all necessary permits associated with the event including but not limited to:  building permits/fire department inspections for tents or other temporary structures, building permits for any electrical or plumbing plans (if any), state liquor permits, fire department permit for fireworks, and to ensure appropriate licensing is in place for food vendors and that appropriate drone permits are obtained for aerial photography.
    9. Cleanup of Grounds:  All parks and public right-of-ways must be left in a clean and orderly condition at the conclusion of any special event.  Clean up means pickup and bagging of all litter, debris or other trash directly attributable to the special event activities. Bagged trash or debris shall be deposited in areas agreed to with the city, for pick up by the city.
    10. Hold Harmless & Liability Insurance:  Applicants will sign a Hold Harmless Agreement and will be required to provide Liability Insurance and proof of naming the City of Lakewood as an Additional Insured for the event.
    11. Applicant Expenses: Applications for any special events which are not city sponsored special events will be responsible for the payment of all other expenses incurred by the city for assistance with the event.  An estimate for those expenses will be provided by the city to the applicant prior to the event.  A final accounting of such expenses will be provided within thirty (30) days of the event completion date, and any outstanding payment due from Applicant shall be paid immediately.
    12. Parks: Special Event Permits will not be issued for Lakewood Park from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. Staking of any kind which includes tenting, guide wires, grounding rods, tethering lines, and/or sign posts is strictly prohibited unless approved by the Public Works Director.  Fastening or attaching any rope, sign, banner, flyer or other object to any tree, shrub, or natural amenities in the parks is prohibited.  Applicants shall ensure that their guests, vendors, concessionaries, and exhibitors shall not park or drive vehicles on grass or sidewalks unless approved in advance by the Public Works Director or the Police.
  • The Pavilions at Lakewood Park+-

    Click here for information about renting the pavilions at Lakewood Park.

  • Parks/Public Property FAQs+-

    Q:        How do I rent the Woman’s Club Pavilion or the Kiwanis Pavilion at Lakewood Park?   

    The city uses an online pavilion rental system. To rent a pavilion, click here.

    This website hosts a calendar so you can check the availability of the pavilions, photos of the pavilions and regulations about the rental including cancellation and deposit return procedures. All rental fees must be paid up front by credit card. 

    Q:        How do I find out if my baseball game is rained out?   

    A:        Call the Lakewood Recreation Department’s rainout number at (216) 529-4117

    Q:        What are the pool hours at Lakewood High School (LHS)?   

    A:        Call the LHS pool at (216) 529-4014 or check their website by clicking here. 

    Q:        How do I get a pool pass for municipal pools at Lakewood and Madison parks?   

    A:        Call the Lakewood Recreation Department at (216) 529-4081 or check their website by clicking here. 

    Q:        Can I bring a grill or tent to the park? 

    A:        Grills: charcoal grills and gas grills (with a maximum number one (#1) propane tank) are allowed in the parks. However, NO GRILLS are allowed inside a pavilion, under a roof or canopy or on a deck or pavement in the park.

    Tents: maximum size ten in the park is a ten foot by ten foot (10’x10’) pop-up or canopy with no sides.  No enclosed tents are allowed.  TENTS MY NOT BE STAKED to the ground. Only external weights can be used to secure them in place. 

    Q:        Are there posted rules for use of the city parks? 

    A:        Lakewood Codified Ordinance Chapter 905 sets forth park rules. Further explanation and listing of park rules and regulations, click here.

    Q:        Does the city have a memorial donation program where can I donate to have a tree or bench placed on public property in memory of someone?

    A:        The city does not currently have a program which allows individuals to donate a tree, bench, etc. in honor of someone in our parks or on any public property.  There was a park memorial program from 2009 until about 2012, but the volume of requests received made this unsustainable.  The City was unable to accommodate many of them, and it created great challenges, so the program was discontinued.

  • Recreation Department+-

    The Community Recreation & Education Department is run through the Lakewood City Schools.

    Click here to view their website or call (216) 529-4081.


  • Lakewood Park+-

    This 31 acre lakefront park, the crown jewel of the Lakewood Parks system, is located at the intersection of Belle and Lake Avenues. The Park offers a multitude of activities, including:

    • Foster Pool: open during the summer months, various programs offered including open swims, learn to swim classes, senior swims etc. For program information call the Community Recreation & Education Department at 529-4081.
    • Splash Pad: Open June 1st-October 1st from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
    • Four Tennis Courts with a Flexcourt Surface
    • Three sand volleyball courts, open to the public (unless permits for league play have been issued by The Community Recreation & Education Department). Call 529-4081 for league or permit information.
    • Kids Cove Playground area
    • The Lakewood Park Bandstand, offers free concerts on Sunday evenings, and free movies for children during the summer months. Refer to the City News and Events link for a list of dates and further information.  The bandstand is only used for city events.  It is not available for rental or any other use.
    • The Lakefront Promenade is a gorgeous brick walkway where visitors can enjoy a lovely view of the lake as well as a wonderful skyline of downtown Cleveland.
    • Handicap-accessible ramp, with stone walls and brick pavers, which extends from the top of the bluff to the lower
    • Solstice Steps
    • Picnic areas located throughout the park, with grills and tables
    • Two softball fields, available to the public, unless a permit from the Board of Recreation has reserved the field. Call 529-4081 for permit information.
    • Old Stone House: Lakewood’s oldest stone house, now a museum, call 221-7343 for hours and tour information.
    • Lakewood Skatepark: 9,500 sq foot concrete skatepark featuring a smooth quiet surface with street and bank obstacles for all skill levels and bleachers for viewing. Open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.
  • Madison Park+-

    • Located at 13201 Madison Ave. offers the following:
    • Usher Field: Lighted softball field. Call The Community Recreation and Education Department at 529-4081 for league and permit information.
    • Full length soccer field, available to the public, unless a permit from the Board of Recreation has reserved the field.
    • Call 529-4081 for permit information.
    • Open picnic pavilion with four grills; We do not take reservations for this pavilion.  It is available on a first come first serve basis.
    • Two futsal courts
    • Becks Pool: open during the summer months, various programs offered including open swims, learn to swim classes etc. For program information call The Community Recreation & Education Department at 529-4081.
    • New playground equipment installed in 2008
  • Kauffman Park+-

    • Located at 15450 Detroit, behind the shopping plaza, offers the following:
    • Jimmy Foxx Field: Lighted softball/hardball field. Call The Community Recreation and Education Department at 529-4081 for league and permit information.
    • Playground areas
    • Two tennis courts
  • Lakewood Dog Park+-

    The Lakewood Dog Park is located at 1699 Metropark Drive in the Metroparks near to the Lakewood Water Treatment Plant. The Lakewood Dog Park, which is open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM every day, provides a fenced-in area where owners may exercise their dogs off-leash to play and socialize with other dogs.


    • Keep dogs leashed when outside the fenced-in dog park area. Owners and dog handlers must keep a leash for each dog on their persons at all times. If your dog is involved in aggressive or unruly behavior, leash the dog and leave the dog park immediately.
    • Dogs may enter the dog park if accompanied at all times by an adult owner or dog handler. There is a limit of 3 dogs per adult owner or dog handler.
      The dog park is not intended for infants and small children. For safety, children under age 7 are not permitted. Children ages 7 to 17 must be accompanied and closely supervised by parent or guardian. You will be asked to leave if children are not closely supervised.
    • Dogs must have current license and be up to date on all vaccines. Licenses, vaccine information and ID tags must be affixed to each dog’s collar and a collar must be worn by dogs at all times.
    • To prevent aggressive canine behavior, human and dog food of any kind are prohibited.
    • Dogs must be at least 4 months old to enter.  Dogs under 25 pounds may use the small-dog area.
    • Toys, baby equipment and sports equipment should not be brought into the dog park. Firearms and weapons are prohibited.
    • Dogs in heat or pregnant may not enter the dog park
    • Securely close each entrance and exit gate before opening the next gate.
    • Owners and dog handlers must be within the fenced-in area and with their dogs at all times.
    • Owners and dog handlers must have their dogs in sight and be in control of their dogs at all times. All humans and dogs engaged in altercations or aggression will be asked to leave. Cooperation between owners and dog handlers is expected.
    • Always clean up after your dogs. Be watchful of your dogs, and pick up and dispose of fecal waste. Biodegradable waste bags, tools and trash receptacles are normally provided. Please leave the park as clean as, or cleaner than, it was when you arrived. Please do not leave litter or cigarette butts.
    • Please do not use profane language in the dog park.  Civility and cooperation are expected.
    • Owners and dog handlers are responsible and liable for all damage or injury inflicted by their dogs.


  • Neighborhood Parks+-

    Webb Park: Located at 1301 Webb Road, offers the following:

    • One tennis court
    • Playground areas installed in 2001
    • Picnic tables

    Edwards Park

    • Located at 16800 Detroit Ave. New playground equipment to be installed in 2002. One Tee-Ball field open to the public unless a prior permit has been issued by The Community Recreation and Education Department. Call 529-4081 for permit information.
    • Playground areas

    Wagar Park: Located at 15900 Madison at the intersection of Madison and Hilliard Blvd.

    • Playground under construction.  Expected opening in Fall of 2020

    Merl Park: Located at the intersection of Bunts Road and Merl Avenue

    • Tennis/pickle ball court
    • Playground area
    • Picnic tables

    Cove Park: Located at 1294 Cove Avenue

    • One Tee-Ball field open to the public unless a prior permit has been issued by The Community Recreation and Education Department. Call 529-4081 for permit information.
    • Various playground equipment
    • Picnic tables
  • Pocket Parks+-

    • Park Row Park: Located at 1386 Park Row, offers playground equipment and picnic tables.
    • Niagara Park: Located at the corner of Lakewood Heights (south of I-90) and Niagara, offers the following: Playground area and picnic table.
    • Celeste Park: Located at the corner of Clifton and West Clifton, this park is a scenic area to sit at a park bench or table to relax and enjoy a bit of nature.
    • Sloane Park: Located at 1355 Sloane Ave. this park offers a scenic place to sit and relax to enjoy the two Adopt-a-Spot gardens.
    • City Center Park: Located at the intersection of Cook and Detroit Ave. this scenic area offers a place to sit and relax while shopping.
    • Isaac Warren Park: Located on Warren Rd. just north of Detroit, this scenic pocket park offers a place to sit and relax during a lunch break Two picnic tables are available in a greenspace located across the street just north of the parking lot.
    • Clifton Prado Park: Located at 1265 Clifton Prado, this park offers playground area and picnic table.