Safety - The City of Lakewood, Ohio


Safe and getting safer: Maintaining the highest degree of community safety by providing excellent safety services,
promoting resident participation, and expanding effective communication.

In Lakewood, one of the top priorities is not only keeping residents safe, but also helping them feel safe. By using an aggressive prevention strategy — from police and fire to housing — the city of Lakewood continues to keep its focus on safety.


Click here to view our new
Police-2-Citizen portal.

Employees in the Lakewood Police Department preserve the peace, protect life and property, prevent crimes, apprehend criminals, recover lost and stolen property, and enforce, in a fair and impartial manner, the ordinances of the City of Lakewood and the laws of the State of Ohio and the United States of America. The Police Department is led by Chief Kevin Fischer.


Meanwhile, the mission of the Lakewood Fire Department is “to protect and safeguard life and property from fire or hazardous conditions: to provide emergency medical treatment to those in need.” Under the leadership of Chief Timothy Dunphy, the department achieves its missions using a fire and medical rescue delivery system consisting of fire prevention, fire safety education, fire and medical rescue operations and hazard abatement. There are 88 members of the Division of Fire, organized as the staff or support function and the line or operations function.

Staying safe

By the numbers, excellent safety services, along with engaged participation from residents and neighborhood block clubs (63 in total) have led to Lakewood becoming a safer place in the last five years. Since 2007, Lakewood has seen a 42 percent decrease in crimes of violence, a 14 percent decrease in burglaries, a 45% decrease in auto thefts and 47 percent decrease in robberies. The city has 63 neighborhood block clubs — resident-driven entities helping neighbors work with police and other city departments to ensure safety and security in our community.

Important information on how to avoid being the victim of a carjacking

Curious about a police call, incident or report, please contact the Lakewood Police Department at (216) 521-6773 or email is not monitored 24/7, please use the above phone number if an immediate response is required.

Fire Information

  • Fire Department FAQs+-

    Q:        My insurance company wants a copy of the Fire Investigation Report for a recent fire at my home. Who do I contact?   

    A:        Call the Lakewood Fire Prevention Bureau at (216) 529-6660.  

    Q:        Where should I put smoke detectors in my home?   

    A:        The fire department recommends smoke detectors on every level of the home and in all rooms used for sleeping. 

    Q:        How far is a hydrant from my home?  

    A:        All properties in Lakewood are within 300 feet of a fire hydrant. 

    Q:        Does the Lakewood Fire Department give out smoke detectors? 

    A:        The City of Lakewood does not currently provide smoke detectors. The landlord is responsible for providing smoke detectors in all rental units and carbon monoxide detectors in all buildings with 5 or fewer units or apartments that have their own furnace. 

    Q:        I was transported to the hospital by the Lakewood Fire Department and have a question about my bill. Who do I contact?   

    A:        Call the billing agency, Lifeforce Management, toll free at (1-800) 770-4767. If the bill has gone to collections please call the City Finance Department at (216) 529-6097. 

    Q:        Who can inspect my child’s car seat for proper installation and use?   

    A:        The Fire Department hosts monthly child car seat checks at Fire Station #1, 14601 Madison Avenue.  These free events are open to Lakewood families who are interested in having their car seats installed or checked for proper set up.  Registration is required. Click here for more information.

    Q:        I need to renew (or get) my CPR/AED certification. Who do I contact for information on classes offered? 

    A:        Call the Red Cross at (1-800) 733-2762 or go to: to register for a class. 

    Q:        Where can I drop off my aluminum cans for recycling?   

    A:        Each Lakewood Fire Station has an outdoor bin to collect for the Aluminum Cans for Burned Children Foundation, 365 days a year. 

    Q:        I need an inspection for day care license, adoption or to become a foster care provider. Who do I call?   

    A:        Call the Lakewood Fire Prevention Bureau at (216) 529-6660.  

    Q:        What is the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating for Lakewood?  

    A:        The ISO rating for the Lakewood Fire Department is Class Two (2). 

    Q:        Do you have any information on how to be prepared in the case of an emergency? 

    A:        Yes, the Lakewood Fire Department has created an Emergency Preparedness Guide which should answer all of your questions and keep you ready for an emergency.  The guide may be found on the city website at the following link:

  • Ambulance Billing+-

    EMS Payments and correspondence should be mailed to: City of Lakewood P.O. Box 74603 Cleveland, OH 44194.

    Please contact the billing agency, Lifeforce Management, toll-free at (800) 770-4767, to update insurance information, or make a payment for an EMS bill.

  • Emergency Preparedness+-

    Useful Links:

    In an effort to improve Lakewood’s readiness in case of severe weather, lasting power outages, fire and other disasters, the City has identified and promotes the following ways to ensure safety and limit property damage during emergencies: Prepare your home, your family, your business and yourself. For starters, check out the city of Lakewood’s Emergency Preparedness Guide.

    • Visit, the federal government’s website designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. offers explanations of how different types of events can affect you, as well as tips on preparing emergency management kits, educating children on the perils of emergencies, filling out family communications plans, keeping important papers and valuables in a safe place and readying your small business for disasters. Every Lakewood resident is encouraged to visit now to prepare for emergencies that may arise in the future.
    • Stay updated locally: During severe weather and other events that create power outages, road blockages and city service interruptions, the City will do its best to keep residents updated in multiple ways. These include website updates and press releasesTwitter updatesFacebook posts and occasional televised press conferences on local media channels. You can also sign up to receive information from the city by email. Add your email address here.
    • Get involved in CERT: Lakewood belongs to the Westshore Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), a group of trained citizens from Lakewood, Bay Village, Fairview Park, North Olmsted, Rocky River and Westlake who educate and prepare participants for hazards that may impact them in the event of community emergencies or disasters. CERT members receive training in basic emergency response skills, including first aid, fire suppression and safety, light search and rescue and shelter services. They also obtain a better understanding of the hazards facing their homes and workplaces and can take steps to lessen the effects of such hazards. To read more about the benefits of joining CERT, click here.
    • ReadyNotify: Want to know right away when there’s an emergency happening in Lakewood? Think evacuations, boil alerts and road closures. The city of Lakewood has partnered with Cuyahoga County to offer residents access toReadyNotify, a mass notification system to issue emergency notifications to the public. It is similar to the communications systems schools use to notify parents of closures or other time-sensitive information. The system delivers messages to residents and businesses by telephone, cellular phone, text message or electronic mail. The system is capable of sending messages to specific communities or the entire county. ReadyNotify is primarily used for emergency notifications, when rapid and accurate information is essential for residents’ immediate safety. To learn more about — or sign up for — Ready Notify, click here.
  • Hydrant Flushing+-

    May – June each year
    10:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday – Friday

    The Lakewood Fire Department will be flushing fire hydrants as an on-going program of hydrant and water maintenance. While hydrants are open, the homes on that block may experience discolored water or a drop in water pressure.

    To alleviate accumulation of mineral deposits within the water mains, thus reducing the incidence of discolored water. Preventative maintenance to make sure each hydrant is in top operating condition.

    Turn off any devices that automatically bring water into your home during flushing hours. Examples: Automatic ice makers, automatic yard sprinkling systems, etc. Avoid, if possible, running water. Examples: Doing laundry, running bathwater, etc.

    Wait one (1) hour after you are sure hydrant flushing is completed for the day.

    Run COLD water from whatever faucet is closest to wherever the water supply enters your house (typically in the basement) for approximately fifteen (15) minutes. It should clear up. If problem continues, contact the Lakewood Water Department at: During Normal Business Hours M-F 7:30am-4:00pm (216) 529-6820.


    The Lakewood Fire Department’s primary responsibility is to emergency responses. Therefore, it is not possible to predict when a street may not be flushed. The hydrant flushing starts on the north section of the city and progresses south.  Additional Considerations: Likewise, hydrant flushing will not take place if it is raining.

Police Information