Public Works - The City of Lakewood, Ohio
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents /

Public Works

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Public Works Department is responsible for the administrative control and supervision of eight divisions: Engineering, Fleet Management, Parks & Public Property, Refuse & Recycling, Streets & Forestry, Water & Wastewater Collection and Wastewater Treatment.

The following is the mission statement for each of the Public Works divisions:

Engineering: Provides engineering and technical services, construction administration, inspection and quality assurance for all Lakewood infrastructure construction projects.

Fleet Management: Maintains and repairs all motor vehicles and equipment owned or leased by the City of Lakewood (Police, Fire, Human Services and Public Works Departments).

Parks & Public Property: By utilizing the capabilities of our employees and implementing their many creative ideas, the City’s park facilities are attractive, well maintained and well managed. Skilled tradesmen provide the necessary skills and experience needed to maintain all city-owned buildings.

Refuse & Recycling: Provides efficient and effective solid waste disposal along with an extensive curbside pickup program for recyclables. Also operates a trash, recycling and household hazardous waste drop-off facility for residents to use.

Streets & Forestry: Repairs and provides maintenance for 200 residential streets by means of proper planning and scheduling of work to ensure safe road conditions throughout the city.

  • Forestry: Maintains Lakewood’s urban forest on public property by a systematic trimming schedule, removal of hazardous trees and a comprehensive reforestation program by licensed certified arborists.
  • Traffic Signs & Signals: Maintains and upgrades city signage and signal systems.

Water and Wastewater Collection

  • Water Distribution and Metering: Provides potable water to meet the fire protection, domestic and commercial needs of our community plus maintaining a high quality of customer service to all Lakewood residents.
  • Wastewater Collection: Maintains a free flow of storm and sanitary sewage through the City’s collection system to minimize risk to health and property. Address all customer inquiries and concerns and provide prompt, professional maintenance and repair service.

Wastewater Treatment Facility: Responsible for treating all waste streams conveyed to it and disposal of all subsequent stabilized by products. Through the use of state-of-the art processes and trained personnel, the facility is capable of not only meeting but also exceeding the discharge parameters mandated by its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit. This insures that Lakewood helps preserve one of our nation’s greatest natural resources, Lake Erie.