Updated Lakewood Pools Policy Effective Sunday, June 23rd | The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Updated Lakewood Pools Policy Effective Sunday, June 23rd

June 21, 2024

With the heat of summer in full force, both Becks Pool and Foster Pool have seen continued high usage this year. On multiple occasions, Foster Pool has reached full capacity and we have had to turn away swimmers seeking admission.

Both the City of Lakewood and the Lakewood Recreation Department hold the safety of pool users as our highest priority and we continue to jointly monitor the situation ongoing.

Due to safety concerns and a need to avoid overcrowding, we have updated our admissions and usage policies. This includes restrictions on any non-resident day passes so that each non-resident must be accompanied by a Lakewood resident on a one-to-one basis.

This policy is effective starting on Sunday, June 23rd.

Day pass admissions will require one of the following documents as proof of residency:

  • Driver’s License or State Issued ID
  • Utility bill from current year
  • School ID
  • Report card

Existing season passes will continue to be honored.

Please visit the Lakewood Recreation Department website for further details.