Volunteer - The City of Lakewood, Ohio


"Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer,
you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in." -Marjorie Moore

Volunteering is good for others

The world is not a perfect place, and many people, animals, places and communities need help. Governments and professionals try to meet everyone’s needs, but it’s impossible for them to do it all.

This is why people become volunteers: because they can make a difference where someone or something needs help. When we volunteer our time, money or talents we help make our community a better, happier place for all.

Volunteering is good for you

Are you thinking “What’s in it for me?”  The answer is – plenty! Here are some of the things you might get in return for your giving of time and talent:

  • Making new friends
  • Gaining important skills and experience that may help you in your current vocation or make you more marketable for the next position.
  • Seeing and becoming more aware of your community and world
  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Exploring what you want to do with your life
  • Feeling needed and important
  • Feeling satisfaction at getting things done and helping others
  • Meeting people who could be role models or becoming a role model yourself
  • Using your mind, body and creativity
  • Getting active and healthier
  • Relieving stress
  • Fighting boredom and loneliness
  • Spending time doing what you really care about
  • Gaining an edge on getting the next job or getting into college
  • Feeling like you are part of your community
  • Having fun!

Have a look at some of the opportunities (at right) to volunteer with the City of Lakewood!

Get involved

  • Volunteer Opportunities With the City of Lakewood+-

    Human Services

    The Department of Human Services is grateful for the thousands of service hours provided by volunteers of all ages. From meal delivery to the annual flu clinic campaign, these individuals help to define Lakewood as a strong, civic-minded community.

    The following is a list of volunteer opportunities available within the Department of Human Services however the list is always growing and we welcome your ideas. If you have a particular skill or interest that would enhance our services please contact us at 216-529-6685 or email at humanservices@lakewoodoh.net.

    • Friendly visitors/telephone reassurance
    • Home delivered meal drivers
    • Kitchen helpers
    • Office Assistance and computer data entry.
    • Intergenerational community education programs
    • Assistance with Early Childhood family drop in programs and Special Events volunteers
    • Senior Activity Group Leaders and Participants in Sewing, Crafts, Knitting and Crocheting Groups
    • Senior Center Dining Room Assistants
    • Intergenerational Volunteers in partnership with the Lakewood City Schools
    • Tax Clinics
    • Lakewood Commission on Aging

    All individuals interested in volunteering with the Department of Human Services must submit a completed application to the Department office at Department of Human Services, 12525 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107.

    There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you don’t do them. – Charles D. Gill

    Lakewood Boards and Commissions

    Citizen participation in the governing process is part of what makes Lakewood a great place to call home. Over 70 Lakewood citizens volunteer their time, experience and expertise to serve on one of Lakewood’s many Boards and Commissions.

    If you’re interested in serving on a board or commission, click here.