Wagar Park - The City of Lakewood, Ohio

Wagar Park

Re-envisioning our neighborhood parks

Wagar Park Improvement Update – March 11, 2020

We are proud to announce the City of Lakewood’s resident-led selection panel identified the team of MKSK as the best and most qualified artist for the social seating arrangement at Wagar Park. MKSK was chosen through a two-part process based on criteria established by the public selection panel, input from students at Harding Middle School, and recommendations by Public Works.

MKSK’s conceptual proposal can be found here.


Wagar Park Improvement Update – February 11, 2020

The city is pleased to announce a construction company for the improvements at Wagar Park. The winning bidder was Marra Construction with a bid of $872,814.00.

Construction will begin in March 2020 and be completed in the winter of 2020, with a grand opening celebration in the summer of 2021.

The project has been awarded a grant for the improvements in the amount of $381,000 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Land and Water Conservation Fund.

The City of Lakewood is excited to launch the Art in the Parks Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Wagar Park.  This is the first step of a two-step process to select the best and most qualified public artist(s) for a social seating arrangement at Wagar Park.

RFQ Deadline: July 31, 2019
Budget: $50,000; all inclusive, for design, fabrication, and honorarium for finalists

Wagar Park RFQ

Construction on Wagar Park is expected to start in the Fall of 2019 based on the construction drawing below.

Three concepts were presented to the community during the second engagement session at Wagar Park and through our on-line survey (see Design Process to the right). Your feedback has helped to narrow the focus for the final design.

2019 Construction Drawing


80% Concept Drawing

For more information, contact Michelle Nochta, City Planner, at michelle.nochta@lakewoodoh.gov or at 216-529-5906.

Wagar Park

  • Design Process+-

    Community Meeting #1 – June 29, 2016


    The Wagar Park visioning session on June 29, 2016 at Grace Presbyterian Church was a success. Longtime residents and parishioners came to the meeting to share their experiences at Wagar Park over the years. It was great to get a historical perspective of the park . After sharing stories of the past the residents offered their ideas and hopes for the future of Wagar Park. If you want to share a story of the past or a vision for the future of Wagar Park please take a moment and fill out this survey. We’d love to hear from you!

    IMG_3067 IMG_3074 IMG_3084
    Wagar Aspirations – Public Comments

    Wagar Existing Condition Public Comments


    Community Meeting #2 – August 3, 2016


    After meeting with stakeholder groups, internal research, and listening to residents like you at our first public meeting and online, our consultants have crafted three (3) concepts that incorporate much of what we heard from the community. Each concept prioritizes different amenities/items and we want to hear from you again to further refine a master plan for Wagar Park.

    Design Concept No. 1 


    Design Concept No. 2


    Design Concept No. 3


    Improvement Plan Proposals will incorporate the six (6) community priorities in the Parks Master Plan Strategic Update, which set out to guide future improvements throughout our park system. The six community priorities are:

    1. Safety
    2. Quality of Facilities
    3. Access
    4. Natural Resources
    5. Cultural and Social Resources
    6. Year Round Use
    • Additionally, the improvement plans will consider the following design elements:
    • Designs will be beautiful, durable and easy to maintain. Elements should exhibit thoughtful design, efficiency and longevity.
    • Harmony between design elements, equipment and topography will effortlessly blend form and function.
    • Designs will provide innovative solutions for on-site design challenges.
    • Designs will address connectivity to and throughout the park.

    Download the Parks Strategic Plan here

  • Lakewood at a glance+-

    The City of Lakewood, Ohio, is an inner-ring street car suburb of Cleveland. Nearly 52,000 people live within our 5.53 square mile community. Lakewood’s economy is large, diverse, and local. It is made up of primarily small businesses that are agile and thriving.

    • Lakewood’s largest collective employer are small businesses – 75% of the 12,000 workers in Lakewood are employed by small businesses
    • 100 small businesses have either opened or gone through a major renovation in the last 4 years
    • Since 2008 Lakewood has seen a total private commercial investment of upwards of $100MM
    • $2 MM dollar Solstice Steps project completed in 2015
    • $80 MM dollar school renovation projects to complete fall 2017
  • Wagar Park site overview+-

    Wagar Site Overview

  • Wagar Park Photos+-

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